Movie Productions In 1952 the first 3-D movie was able to be seen. The rise of drive-in theater went to a peak number in the late 50’s with over 4,000 outdoor screens. Most films were idealized with conventional portrayals of men and woman wanting new and exciting symbols of rebellion and love affairs. Hollywood responded to the audience demands by seeing the rise of the anti-heroes or the bad guys in movies. The first film ever on T.V was the Wizard of Oz
Disney Movies 1950 Treasure Island 1950 Cinderella 1951 Alice In Wonderland 1953 Peter Pan ,000 Leagues Under The Sea 1955 Lady And The Tramp 1957 Old Yeller 1959 Sleeping Beauty 1959 Darby O'Gill And The Little People 1959 The Shaggy Dog And many others!
All about amusement parks It all started with periodic fairs which began in England during the 1100’s. After the U.S heard about these fairs we started having our own “state fairs”. People loved amusement parks and spent a lot of weekends at them. By the 1950s, factors such as urban decay, crime, and even desegregation in the ghettos led to changing patterns in how people chose to spend their free time. Many parks had to be closed or burned down The only parks that survived were Kennywood and Cedar Point. Despite the bad luck for amusement parks Disney Land opened in 1955! It instantly became one of the most popular attractions in America. It was known as the happiest place on earth.
Disney Land! Disney Land opened on July 17, 1955 The castle was known as sleeping beauty's castle. It would later be changed to Cinderella's. Some of the first rides at Disney land were The mad tea cups, Mr.Toad’s Wild Ride, Peter Pan’s Flight, Snow Whites Scary Adventure and many others.
TV In 1951 the first Mechanical Colored TV was put on the market. In 1952 for the first time, television news was able to broadcast the Republican and Democratic conventions live from Philadelphia to the rest of the nation. People then knew that Dwight D. Eisenhower and Adlai Stevenson were running for President against each other. During the 50s, quiz shows became popular until a scandal erupted. For three years, producers of "The $64,000 Question" supplied an appealing contestant with the answers to tough trivia questions to heighten the drama. During this time, many of the genres that today's audiences are familiar with were developed – westerns, kids' shows, situation comedies, sketch comedies, game shows, dramas, news and sports programming. TV Dinners were also invented in 1954, more then ten million of them were sold in the first year.
Mickey Mouse Club! It was first broadcasted on October 3, 1955 There was around 332 shows throughout all four seasons The cast included 39 kids and 3 adults, the adults were known as the musketeers. Annette Funicello was the most popular musketeer. The show had talent searches which many kids could get on stage and show off there talent. ature=related ature=related
The history of Mickey Mouse In the beginning…. Walt Disney designed the character while riding on a train back to Los Angeles with his wife Lillian. After completing his sketch, Walt showed it to Lillian and said his name was Mortimer Mouse. Lillian did not like the name and suggested Mickey Mouse. And so was the birth of Mickey Mouse. Mickey Mouse’s original voice was Walt Disney himself. The League of Nations presented Walt Disney with a special medal, in 1935, in recognition of the fact that Mickey Mouse was "a symbol of universal good will." Now… Mickey Mouse is now 81 years old The original Mickey was an impish and mischievous but now his modern-day, sweet-as-pie self. Everything from his outfit to his attitude have evolved over the years. Mickey Mouse is still the “best known” character of Disney. Miscellaneous Mouse-cellaneous … Mickey and Minnie Mouse are happily Married. They have a dog named Pluto a many friends Mickey Mouse's favorite sayings are: "Gosh!" "Oh boy!" "That sure is swell!" "Aw, gee..." "See ya soon!" Mickey Mouse is the official greeter of Disneyland and Walt Disney World.
81 years of mice …. And many more to come Are you a real Mickey fan? Test yourself at quiz11/quizpu.php?testid= Or what character are you? Take the quiz at quizpu.php?testid=
Works cited ! "American History " Lone Star College-Kingwood Library Home Page. Web. 26 Feb Google. Web. 26 Feb "Mickey Mouse is how old? Disney's Mickey Mouse celebrates his 81st birthday today. - Wee Windy City." ChicagoNow. Web. 26 Feb "MICKEY MOUSE TRIVIA." Free Website Hosting Angelfire free website templates to make your own free website. Web. 26 Feb "Original MMC FAQ." Original Mickey Mouse Club Home. Web. 26 Feb "Television during the 1950s and 60s." The Wessels Living History Farm, the Story of Agricultural Innovation. Web. 26 Feb Web. 26 Feb YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Web. 26 Feb