What Led to the Declaration of Independence???
Introduction revolution/declaration-of-independence revolution/declaration-of-independence
2 nd Continental Congress – May 1775 Continental Congress – had no legal authority and no resources Assumed the role of a Revolutionary Government June 15 th – named the minutemen the Continental Army and George Washington as its commander
Battle of Bunker Hill June 17, 1775 Now we have militiamen from RI, NH, and CT too 3 British generals: William Howe, Henry Clinton, John Burgoyne Breed’s Hill was the actual location – but named Bunker Hill because that was the original plan
Bunker Hill British attacked in blistering heat – 2,400 troops moved in tight formation through tall grass. Americans were ordered not to fire until they could see the British with their own eyes Several dead bodies Militiamen cheered as they watched the greatest soldiers in the world retreating in panic Finally on the 3 rd attempt to attack the Americans, colonials began to run out of gunpowder and were forced to throw stones. British suffered 1,054 injuries while the American losses numbered at 400
2 Profound Effects High number of British casualties made the English generals more cautious in subsequent encounters with Continental Army Congress recommended that all able- bodied men enlist in a militia
Olive Branch Petition Written by John Dickinson on July 5, 1775 Think back to your RANT Quiz – what did this petition state? How did the king respond?
Quebec Colonists tried to take Quebec from British but failed Led by Richard Montgomery and Benedict Arnold December 31, 1775 Smallpox killed hundreds (I guess what goes around comes around?) Please note – William Howe replaced Thomas Gage as British commander at this point Who was Thomas Gage?
Thomas Paine, Common Sense Early 1776 Printed anonymously in Philly The common sense of the matter, according to Paine, was that King George III and his advisers bore the responsibility for the malice towards the colonies. Americans should consult their own interests, abandon George III, and declare their independence: “the blood of the slain, the weeping voice of nature cries, ‘TIS TIME TO PART”. Within 3 months – 100,000 copies sold
Thomas Paine
Declaration of Independence
Dec of Independence Committee of 5 appointed from Continental Congress – John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, Robert Livingston of New York and Roger Sherman of Connecticut Adams and Jefferson were to write the first draft Jefferson ends up writing the first draft by himself
Declaration of Independence Jefferson shared his draft with the committee members and they made several minor revisions. They submitted the document to the entire Congress on June 28 th, whereupon it was tabled on July 1 st. Over the next 3 days – the legislators made 86 changes in Jefferson’s declaration, include shortening its overall length by 1/4. It became a more powerful document as a result
Declaration of Independence Declaration of Independence is grounded in John Locke’s contract theory of government Jefferson said that the government derived “their just Powers from the consent of the people”, who were entitled to “alter or abolish” those that denied their “unalienable rights” to “life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” The “Representatives of the United States of America,” therefore, declared the thirteen “United Colonies” to be “Free and Independent States”. revolution/declaration-of-independence/videos revolution/declaration-of-independence/videos