STRUCTURE SCIENTIFIC REPORT / MANAGEMENT REPORT −Progress / objectives (WP and project level) −Progress / milestones (WP and project level) −Progress / deliverables (WP and project level) −any problems and correctives actions Periodic Activity reportPeriodic Management report SCIENTIFIC / MANAGEMENT REPORTS ALL CONTRACTORS : −Justification of Major Costs (WP level) −Form C /partners −Audit Certificate COORDINATOR : −Summary financial report - aggregated Form C −report on the distribution of the EC’s funds End of reportingperiod + 25 days
ACTIVITY (abstract of EU guidelines) 2.1. Periodic activity report The Periodic activity report is submitted after each reporting period as defined by Article 6 of the contract (once per year for IPs and NoEs). It is based on relevant information from Annex I of the contract. It comprises a number of sections: Front page (example in Appendix 3) Section 1 – Project objectives and major achievements during the reporting period Give an overview of general project objectives, show the project’s current relation to the state-of-the-art Summary of recommendations from previous reviews (if any) and brief description of how they have been taken up by the consortium Summarise the objectives for the reporting period, work performed, contractors involved and the main achievements in the period If applicable, comment on the most important problems during the period including the corrective actions undertaken WRITTEN BY COORDINATION Section 2 – Workpackage progress of the period Provide an overview of the actions carried out in the reporting period, based on the workpackages which were active or planned to be active during the period. For each workpackage, present information under the following headings: Workpackage objectives and starting point of work at beginning of reporting period Progress towards objectives – tasks worked on and achievements made with reference to planned objectives, identify contractors involved Deviations from the project workprogramme, and corrective actions taken/suggested: identify the nature and the reason for the problem, identify contractors involved List of deliverables, including due date and actual/foreseen submission date (see Appendix 2, Table 1) List of milestones, including due date and actual/foreseen achievement date (see Appendix 2, Table 2) WRITTEN BY SP AND HIT LEADER
ACTIVITY REPORTS Synthesis activity report Secretary SC Chairman SC Coordinator SP Leaders Annexes: SP reports RBD TBD MAL LEI WNV AFR Sect 2 : WP progress of the period - Summary of WP - Summary table 1 & 2 Appendix 2 - Deviations and corrective actions - Deliverables–milestones (table 1& 2 Appendix 2) Consortium management -SC / Coordinator Project objectives and major achievements - Overview of general objectives - Work performed - Main achievements in the period - Problems and corrective actions Other issues - Ethical issues - Competitive call (if relevant) Executive summary - Objectives - Contractors - Work performed - Results Partner X SP-WNSP-RBDSP-MAL Partner Y SP-RBD Partner Z SP-RBD 15 / / / 11 (indicative)
PERIODIC REPORTS Table 1: Deliverables List List all deliverables, giving date of submission and any proposed revision to plans. *) if available Table 2: Milestones List List all milestones, giving date of achievement and any proposed revision to plans. Lead contractor Used indicative person-months *) Estimated indicative person- months *) Actual/Forecast delivery date Date due Workpackage no. Deliverable name Del. no. Lead contractorActual/Forecast delivery date Date dueWorkpackage no.Milestone nameMilestone no.
2.2. Periodic management report The Periodic management report is submitted by each participant after each reporting period at the same time as the Periodic activity report. Section 1 - Justification of major cost items and resources This should include the following: A brief description of the work performed by each contractor during the period. This should be addressed at the work package level : e.g. “Developed the... module for…in work package X”. A tabular overview of budgeted costs and actual costs, by contractor and by major cost item including personnel (see Appendix 2, Table 3). Explanatory note on any major cost items such as important equipment purchases, major travel costs, large consumable items etc., justifying their necessity to the project. A tabular overview of budgeted person-months and actual person-months, by contractor and by work package (see Appendix 2, Table 4). The budgeted person-months should normally be taken from Annex I to the contract. A summary explanation of the impact of major deviations from cost budget and from person-month budget, with reference to Section 2 “Work package progress” of the accompanying Periodic activity report where the reasons for deviation from plan have been explained. Section 2 – Form C and audit certificate. Form C Financial statement per activity for each reporting period. (If special clause 23 has been used then financial statements from members of the organisation should also be provided and the summary financial statement from the contractor). Audit certificates for each reporting period Section 3 – Summary financial report : PROVIDED BY COORDINATOR Management (abstract of EU guidelines)
MANAGEMENT REPORT Management report financial officer Summary form C report distr. EC funds Justification of major costs Description of work at the WP level Justification resources employed (« developed the module / activity for … in WP … ») Major costs : both quantitative and qualitative (i.e major impacts on RTD activities) in the headings : equipment ; consumables ; travel ; training ; management ; sub- contract Explanations if major deviations + Form C+ Audit certificate Annexes: contractor management report Form C Audit certificate Each partner 18 / 11
PERIODIC REPORTS Major costs must be justified in an explanatory note Explanatory note Major cost item Y Explanatory note Major cost item X Explanations if major deviations from costs or person/month planed Justification of Major CostsPerson/month per partner and per WP