Be Fully Yourself! © Jean Slatter.


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Presentation transcript:

Be Fully Yourself! © Jean Slatter

“You need to become centered in yourself …” One of the keys to understanding who you are and what you’re here to do is: Keep coming back to yourself. Feeling centered within yourself. © Jean Slatter AMAG

“You must bless your past in order to own your power” This goes way beyond forgiveness. © Jean Slatter

Whenever you forgive someone, there’s a judgment implied. “I was right, you were wrong, but I’ll forgive you anyway”. © Jean Slatter

When you bless something, you put your stamp of approval on it. First of all, you must do the blessing … not God. © Jean Slatter

Here we are, as Creators of experience, and we’re here to know the truth of that experience; yet when we say “that shouldn’t have happened”, we are separating ourselves from that experience. Anything we’re keeping separate from ourselves is a denial of who we are. Who we are is a complete compilation of every experience we’ve had up until this moment. © Jean Slatter

To bless: Put your stamp of approval. Absolution of wrongdoing. © Jean Slatter

If you’re having trouble putting your stamp of approval on a certain situation, Go to your intellectual mind! Your intellectual mind is so clever, it will find a way to put your stamp of approval on it. © Jean Slatter

The mind lives in duality. There’s a right and there’s a wrong, and you can’t ask the mind to give up discerning “right” and “wrong”. © Jean Slatter

Drop down from your head into your heart. When you come from the heart, everything becomes neutral. It becomes an entirely different viewpoint. © Jean Slatter

Two key points to come from your heart: Honor the experiencer (the one going through the experience) See the innocent in everyone (like watching the villain in a play) © Jean Slatter

How do you know when you’ve truly blessed your past? You’ll look back at your entire situation and be at peace. You’ll no longer be pushing that experience away from you. When you’re able to fully bless something, forgiveness is a non-issue. © Jean Slatter

You’ll know that life contains an element of unknowable mystery; and have a willingness to accept there may be things you will never completely understand, and yet, are an integral part of your perfection. © Jean Slatter

by Neale Donald Walsch A simple and powerful story that brings children a very profound truth. available through under Store - Amazon recommendations © Jean Slatter

Remember that we’re here on purpose. Your purpose is to Shine Your Light! © Jean Slatter

Your soul is imbued with unique characteristics of God – of God’s Light. The fact is, there’s no one else who can shine the light of your Soul exactly the way you do. © Jean Slatter

Just like the Sun, the rays of light emanate from the same powerful source, but they are unique rays. You are a unique aspect of God’s light. © Jean Slatter

Hired BY the Heavens © Jean Slatter

There is something the Heavens would like to hire you for. That you are uniquely qualified for because of your particular Light. We have to come to know what our gifts of Spirit are, what is on our Soul’s resume, and what we are here to do. © Jean Slatter

The Four Questions of “What is my Purpose?” What is my “being”? (core essence) What is my “doing”? (what do I do?) What is my “calling”? (vocation) What is my Soul’s “mission”? (life theme) © Jean Slatter

They’re Interdependent

You cannot “be” unless you “do” and in the “doing” you “become.” (example: if you want to be compassionate, you must do compassionate things) © Jean Slatter

God : Being “God is Love” Being © Jean Slatter God : Doing “God Creates” Doing © Jean Slatter

Your High Council is that part of your Higher Guidance that is here to make sure that you are in the right place at the right time and show up as the right person. Prepare to meet your High Council either through a meditation or they’re as close as your next thought. © Jean Slatter

“Being” Exercise “Being” is Heart centered. (put your hands on your heart) Pose the question: What is my gift of Spirit that is my “Being” my “Core Essence”? (write down whatever words come to mind) Go back in and do it again. © Jean Slatter

“Being” Exercise This is the gift of Spirit you have been given. You haven`t “earned” it, so write down whatever words come to you. You are nothing less than magnificent. You are describing the God within. © Jean Slatter

“Being” Exercise How will you know when you really understand what your Core Essence is? You’ll feel such a sense of awe of who you are, of the Light you’ve been given, you’ll be honored to be you. © Jean Slatter

“Doing” Exercise “Doing” is Head centered. (put your hands on your head) Pose the question: What is my Gift of Spirit that is my “Doing” the purpose for my essence? (write down whatever words come to mind) Go back in and do it again. © Jean Slatter

“Doing” Exercise How will you know when you have that thing that it is that you do? You’ll recognize that you have always done that. You cannot not do it. © Jean Slatter

Soul’s Resume Collecting more clues. Draw a card or use pendulum charts. Tell me more about my gifts of Spirit that are my “Being” and “Doing”. Check answers with Balance Chart and Percentage Chart, etc. Discover how cool it is to be you! © Jean Slatter

by Jan Spiller Astrology for the Soul is about the North Node which is present for about 18 months. available through under Store - Amazon recommendations © Jean Slatter

by Robert Camp available through under Store - Amazon recommendations © Jean Slatter

As you live this Earth life your gifts of your Soul’s characteristics will continue to be revealed to you. How? You will begin to recognize the unique quality of Light energy that is you by what you bring to every situation in your life. © Jean Slatter

In fact, you cannot help but do that because it is who you are. Your experience is reflected back to God through your unique facets of God’s Light of which you were made. The purpose for which you were created shines in your Light. © Jean Slatter

What is my “Calling”? What am I here to do in service? Whatever it is you are doing, in some way you are serving mankind. When you do find your calling, you get to negotiate your contract! © Jean Slatter

First of all, God needs you to Shine your Light! It’s that unique Light that no one else has... and if you don’t do it, nobody else will. You say “okay, I’ll do it” and then negotiate your contract. © Jean Slatter God Needs You!

Popular traditions promote the idea that we must submit ourselves to God’s will. Too often this gets translated into... “I must obey the will of God to the exclusion of my own.” No... Include what you want in your contract – as if you’re an executive for a large company. © Jean Slatter

When you are being hired for your Calling, what are two very important things you would like to see on your contract? Write down what you want to see in your contract. How will you know if your contract has been accepted? As you go along, your life will just flow. © Jean Slatter

If you find something isn’t working, then renegotiate. Be BOLD! Ask for what you want! Remember that God needs you in order to know himself / herself. © Jean Slatter

You are the most qualified for the job of being YOU, which puts you in a great position to negotiate and get what you want! Write out exactly what your terms are for accepting the position. Articulate all the things that you most want. Co-creation is the ultimate win-win experience! © Jean Slatter

Fulfilment of this aspect is your greatest challenge and your greatest fulfillment. In this exercise, write the very first word(s) that comes to your mind. No censoring. © Jean Slatter The Soul’s Mission

Close your eyes. Get in touch with your High Council – they’re right beside you waiting to help. In this life, what do you want? In this life, what do you need? © Jean Slatter The Soul’s Mission

What is your greatest fear? What is your heart’s desire? What is in your way? What is truly important to you? What do you want to experience? © Jean Slatter The Soul’s Mission

What is missing? What do you long for? What do you need to be happy? What is your greatest ability? How are you your own worst enemy? © Jean Slatter The Soul’s Mission

What do you long to surrender to? At this point in time, with what part of your life are you most pleased? What is your Soul’s Mission? © Jean Slatter The Soul’s Mission

Is there a word that came up more than once? (explore the meaning of that) The Soul desires Love more than anything else … to understand how to express and experience unconditional love. (when we get hurt, we protect ourselves by putting up a brick wall around our heart … brick by brick) © Jean Slatter The Soul’s Mission

The greatest protection we can have of all is to come from unconditional love. Our Soul is here to experience love in all of its forms. © Jean Slatter The Soul’s Mission

An artist who survived a near-death experience: “I just cannot say enough about how it changed my opinion of human beings in an instant. I said / thought / felt, ‘Oh, God, I didn’t realize’. I was astonished to find out that there was no evil in any soul. People may do terrible things out of ignorance and lack, but no soul is evil. ‘What all people seek - what sustains them - is love’, the Light told me. ‘What distorts people is a lack of love’.” - Mellen-Thomas Benedict © Jean Slatter The Soul’s Mission © Jean Slatter

Accept! the gifts of Spirit you’ve been given Claim! this is mine! Proclaim! I AM ___________ © Jean Slatter The Soul’s Mission

Hire your “Know Who I AM” committee © Jean Slatter The Soul’s Mission

Ask to be shown where you may have regrets of the past and denial of who you are. Ask to be shown how you can Power Bless the past so that you can be fully present to the fullness of who you are. © Jean Slatter The Soul’s Mission

Ask for your gifts of Spirit - your being and doing. Ask for help negotiating your contract. Ask for nudges when opportunities arise to love more fully and unconditionally. Ask to be inspired with how you can accept, claim and proclaim to the world who you are and what you are here to do. © Jean Slatter The Soul’s Mission