The Royal Plaza Hotel Collapse
Background on Collapse Collapsed Friday 13 th August 1993 at 10:10 a.m. The collapse took less than 10 seconds! 379 people were buried, killing 137 and badly injuring 227.
Structural History Originally constructed with three storey’s and an underground level. Planning permission granted in 1985 for addition of three extra floors. In 1990, three extra storeys were added. No foundation or columns strengthening.
An uncommon Collapse No modifications added to the building in the previous three years. No extreme conditions in the environment or loading applied to the building.
The Investigation The factor of safety of the columns was almost 1. Over designing the initial structure led to the delay in the building collapsing. Creep deformation occurred in the columns as they were carrying dead loads of 70-80% of their strength capacity. ‘Progressive Failure’ – the collapse of the initial columns, caused the remaining columns to fail.
Tests Conducted Test of Concrete Strength – strength was in the range of 10 – 15 MPa with 95% reliability. Test of Rebar – steel was found to confrom to standards. Soil Test – the bearing capacity of the soil was sufficient to support even the expanded 6 storey building.
Remedial Measures Taken Public Universities were ordered to review the safety of a number of buildings. 218 buildings were investigated. Registration of engineers must be more strictly controlled. Public buildings must carry a license which must be renewed every five years. Design of future public buildings must be cross- checked by a third party engineer who will also be held responsible.
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