2010 Cengage-Wadsworth Preventing Cardiovascular Disease Chapter 11
2010 Cengage-Wadsworth Prevalence of Cardiovascular Disease As a whole Stroke Coronary heart disease Signs of heart attack & stroke
2010 Cengage-Wadsworth Coronary Heart Disease Risk Profile Leading risk factors for CHD Physical inactivity Abnormal electrocardiograms Abnormal cholesterol profile
2010 Cengage-Wadsworth Abnormal Cholesterol Profile LDL vs. HDL Counteracting cholesterol Trans fats Lowering LDL cholesterol NCEP guidelines Elevated triglycerides
2010 Cengage-Wadsworth Abnormal Cholesterol Profile LDL phenotype B Cholesterol-lowering medications
2010 Cengage-Wadsworth Coronary Heart Disease Risk Profile Elevated homocysteine Inflammation Diabetes Types of diabetes Glycemic index A1c test Metabolic syndrome
2010 Cengage-Wadsworth Coronary Heart Disease Risk Profile Hypertension Standards Incidence & pathology Treatment Excessive body fat Cigarette smoking Tension & stress
2010 Cengage-Wadsworth Coronary Heart Disease Risk Profile Personal & family history Age Other risk factors for coronary heart disease
2010 Cengage-Wadsworth Cardiovascular Risk Reduction American Heart Association diet & lifestyle goals for cardiovascular disease risk reduction