Terrestrial Ecosystems The 7 Major Biomes
Tundra Tree-less – has no trees Permafrost- a permanently frozen layer of soil under the surface
Taiga Found South of Tundra Biome dominated by cone bearing trees (gymnosperms) Long Cold Winters Short Summers Nutrient Poor Soil
Temperate Deciduous Forest Has trees that lose leaves in the fall/winter. Pronounced seasons
Temperate Grassland Dominated by grasses Rich Fertile Soil Support large grazing animals Often converted into farmland.
Tropical Rain Forest Characterized by tall trees Near equator Contain 1/5 of known species Canopy – Tops of the trees Epiphytes – plants that live on the branches of trees Ex: orchid Poor Soil
Savanna Tropical or sub tropical grasslands. They have alternating wet and dry seasons. Prolonged periods of drought.
Desert Dry and arid environment. Lack of available water. Less than 25 cm of rainfall a year. Vegetation is sparse – cactus and low lying shrubs prevalent.
Mountain Zones
Polar Ice