Family Betulaceae By Noah Berglund
Genera Birches (Betula) Alders (Alnus) Hazels (Corylus) Hornbeams (Carpinus) Hop-hornbeams (Ostrya) species
Classification & Characteristics Deciduous nut-bearing trees and shrubs Found in the northern hemisphere, and along the mountains to South America. They are usually found near streams and lakes, or other poorly drained areas. Leaves – alternate, simple, stipulate. Pollinate by wind
Birches (Betula) Small to medium sized tree. Mostly in northern temperate climates The bark of all birches is characteristically marked with long horizontal lenticels, and often separates into thin papery plates, especially the Paper Birch
Alders (Alnus) Most common hardwood in the pacific northwest Shade intolerant
Hazels (Corylus) Small tree Male and female flowers are found on the same tree
Hornbeams (Carpinus) Also known as Ironwood Only 1 species in North America, most are in Asia
Hop-hornbeam (Ostrya) Wood is very hard Gets its name, for the seeds look like that of a hops plant used in beer.
References Walters, Dirk., Keil, David., Murrell, Zack Vascular Plant Taxonomy. 5 th ed. U.S,: Kendal/Hunt Print. Betulaceae. (2010). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved January 20, 2010, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online: Pictures found at URL on the page.