Mission San Carlos De Rio Borromeo Korrie Almond April 8, 2014
Mission San Carlos De Rio Borromeo Location: Carmel, CA Location: Carmel, CA Mission Number: 2 Mission Number: 2 Founded by: Father, Junipero Serra Founded by: Father, Junipero Serra Founded: June 3,1770 Founded: June 3,1770
Mission Daily Life Food They Ate: for breakfast they ate, soup, barley, and some other grains. Lunch they had soup peas and beans. Bells rang at dawn and the people that lived at the Mission had to go to church. There jobs were farming and raising livestock. The native Americans were taught about agriculture, trading, ranching, and also cooking.
History The problems there were Spanish viruses that caused the Native Americans to die The problems there were Spanish viruses that caused the Native Americans to die They burned the forest underbrush so the people at the mission could promote the growth of the seed bearing trees. They burned the forest underbrush so the people at the mission could promote the growth of the seed bearing trees.
Changes Over the Time The mission was abandoned and then the roof collapsed. The church was roofless for 30 years. The mission was abandoned and then the roof collapsed. The church was roofless for 30 years.
Interesting Mission Facts Girls at the mission had learned to use the Spanish looms. They made blankets for the people that lived at the mission.
Mission San Carlos De Rio Borromeo