Northamptonshire Public Service Compact The Way Forward……… a presentation by Stella Jinks (Chair of the Compact Learning and Development Group and HR Manager at Corby Borough Council)
Content History of the compact Successful outcomes Vision for the future Sustainability
History of the Compact Formed in 2007 The original aim of the Compact was to bring together public service employers to address areas of common concern with respect to workforce development issues Until the end of Sept 2010 the Compact was funded by the LSC Reason for change is that a new support arrangement is needed
Successful Outcomes Increased commitment to the Skills Pledge within the Public Sector Enhanced knowledge on Apprenticeships with increased take up Creation of a valuable network group of Public Service bodies Sharing of knowledge and best practice Developing common approaches to address E&D issues
Vision for the Future Combine the steering group and the two theme groups into one group Reduce the number of meetings Meeting to reflect an action working group to design and deliver chosen objectives Create a ‘Real Time’ agenda
Vision for the future – Real Time Agenda Aim To create a mid term strategy of outcomes linked to current issues affecting Public Service bodies
Example : Real Time Agenda Issue: Spending Review Public Sector bodies and other key providers work together to create ‘market place’ activities that support employees through times of change Procure joint training that supports Public Sector bodies to meet the challenging times ahead; TUPE, shared services, etc Work collaboratively to share knowledge and best practice on Workforce Development issues; Succession Planning, Flexible Workforce models, Apprenticeships, Equality, Employee Engagement, Performance Management, Access to Government Funding, etc Vision for the future – Real Time Agenda
Example Outcome: County wide event held to offer employees a ‘market place’ of stalls: This could include presentations and advisory documents on career guidance, adult apprenticeships, benefits advice, debt management advice, health and well being guidance: alcohol abuse, domestic violence, health eating, and key Skills and local job vacancies etc Partners contribute to hosting a ‘market stall’, offering presentations and offer venues for facilitation of events around the region. Programme open to staff of public sector bodies involved in the Compact Group
Vision for the Future What does it look like to you? Group Discussion What ‘real time’ agenda items do you feel the group can address? How often do you feel the group should meet? How can the Public Sector Compact Group add value to your organisation to retain your engagement?
Sustainability Sustainability of The Public Service Compact relies on: Partner involvement External Facilitation – Chris Donkin Contribution