The Island Awkawuna
Factors Contributing to Climate Location Ocean Currents Unique Physical Features Wind patterns
Location 45N, 113E Source:
Climate Paragraph Identify island and relative location Describe climate (general weather) of island: (What is climate of coastline and what is climate inland?) Describe physical geography (mountains, volcanoes, etc.). Explain different climate patterns here if necessary. General precipitation patterns for seasons (rain, snow) General temperature patterns for seasons.
Climate Description – words Iceland is an island in the stormiest region of the North Atlantic between Norway and Greenland. The Arctic Circle just touches the north coast of Iceland. Two features control its weather and climate: it is located relatively close to the Arctic circle; it also lies in the path of the current of warm oceanic water called the Gulf Stream. As a result the weather is changeable throughout the year, but sea-level temperatures are surprisingly warm during the winter. Much of the winter precipitation is snow, and autumn and winter are the wettest seasons. Average daily maximum temperatures range from 2 °C in winter to 14 °C in summer. Inland, Iceland is mountainous with several volcanic peaks rising above 5,000 feet. These higher areas are covered with snow all year round and there are extensive ice fields at higher levels. Although Iceland is very cold, Arctic air occasionally affects Iceland in spring and winter and drifting ice may block some north coast inlets, the main port and capital (Reykjavik) is ice-free all year. Summers are generally cool and cloudy with brief spells of fine pleasant weather. (186 words) Source: Met Office: Island Past URL:
Climate Concerns Global warming concerns in this region of the world?