European moss survey 2010/11: heavy metals, nitrogen and POPs ICP VEGETATION 30 th Progress HM & N New: Pilot study POPs Review: mosses as biomonitors of POPs N, 2005/6
Participation 2010/11 moss survey Albania Austria S Belarus Belgium Bulgaria S Croatia Czech Rep EMEP Denmark (F. Isl.) Estonia Finland France POPs, S Iceland Italy (Bolzano) Macedonia Montenegro Norway POPs Poland POPs, S Romania Russian Federation Serbia Slovakia Slovenia POPs, S Spain – Galicia – Navarra POPs, S – Rioja Sweden Switzerland POPs, S Ukraine (Donetsk) Black: heavy metals Blue: heavy metals & N EMEP: case study 5x5 km 2 (12 countries) (14 countries) ICP VEGETATION 30 th
NEW: Pilot study POPs Participating countries: France (Île de France) Spain (Navarra) Switzerland (Swiss Plateau) Poland (PAHs, 30 sites) Slovenia (PAHs, 30 sites) Norway (various POPs) Lab in France: PAHs in Hypnum cupressiforme, 20 sites per country PAHs: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ICP VEGETATION 30 th
Mosses as biomonitors of POPs Concern: toxic, persistent, bioaccumulate, long-range transport Measured and modelled by EMEP (high uncertainties) 2009: 23 EMEP monitoring sites in total in 17 countries POPs measured: pesticides, PAHs, HCHs, HCB and PCBs Benzo[a]pyrene concentrations at EMEP sites in 2009 (Gusev et al., 2011) ICP VEGETATION 30 th
Mosses as biomonitors of POPs Majority of studies on PAHs Gradient studies near pollution sources or in remote areas (Arctic and Antartic) Few studies investigated relationship between air concentrations, deposition fluxes and POPs concentrations in mosses Benzo[ghi]perylene: C 1 = 1.62 * C * C * P (R = 0.74, P = 0.002) Benzo[a]pyrene: C 1 = 1.31 * C * C * P (R = 0.66, P = 0.007) (Thomas, 1986) Fluroanthene: C 1 = 0.33 * C * C * P (R = 0.91, P = 0.000) (C 1 = moss, C 2 = rainwater, C 3 = PM, P = precipitation) ICP VEGETATION 30 th
Mosses as biomonitors of POPs Few studies on temporal trends of PAHs: changes in concentration and composition in moss reflect changes in emission sources and levels herbarium moss samples: an effective tool to reconstruct historical trends in PAHs deposition (Foan et al., 2010) Mosses also good biomonitors for: polychlorobiphenyls ( PCBs) dioxins/furans polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) ICP VEGETATION 30 th
Research recommendations ICP VEGETATION 30 th More studies to investigate relationship between air concentrations, deposition fluxes and POPs in mosses Hence, moss sampling required at national and/or regional (EMEP) POPs monitoring sites Study effects of other variables (such as temperature, altitude, precipitation, moss species) on POPs concentrations in mosses If pilot study successful, more countries should participate in the future; repeat POPs survey to establish temporal trends
Impacts of black carbon (BC) on vegetation ICP VEGETATION 30 th Little known about direct impact BC Rise T ( o C) Light (umol m -2 s -1 ) Hirano et al., 1995 Cucumber : Increase leaf temperature Increase water loss More known about direct impact road dust: Increase leaf temperature, blocking of leaf pores, reduction photosynthesis (shading or impeded gas diffusion) … but effects at relatively high concentrations
Impacts of black carbon (BC) on vegetation ICP VEGETATION 30 th Complex indirect impacts of air pollutants (e.g. aerosols, atmospheric brown clouds): Difficult to distinguish impacts BC Aerosols (including BC) affect cloudiness, precipitation, surface temperature, but large uncertainties in physical processes and impacts not well quantified (UNEP-WMO, 2011) BC: warming, OC (organic carbon): cooling atmosphere BC: global dimming, increase direct-to-diffuse radiation ratio; potentially reducing CO 2 sequestration