Trans-Atlantic Linkages - via the subpolar gyre Hjálmar Hátún ASOF - Halifax - 08 Co-authors: M. R. Payne, G, Beaugrand, P. C. Reid, A. Sandø, H. Drange, B. Hansen, J. A. Jacobsen, D. Bloch
Rockall Irminger Current Faroe Current (Hatun et al., Science 2005) The Subpolare Gyre and the marine climate
R I Irminger Current (obs.) Rockall (obs.) Gyre index Record high T and S The Subpolare Gyre and the marine climate
2.The Subpolar Gyre and Plankton
Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) (SAHFOS, Plymouth) Towing lines since the 1940s
Area south of Iceland SSH (temperature og currents) Hátún et al., Science, 2005 Phytoplankton Sea Surface Temperature Beaugrand, Science 2002 Calanus finmarchicus ”Gyre pattern” 2. SPG and plankton Phytoplankton
Time-development of the ”gyre-mode” SSH PCI SST Calanus finmarchicus SST 2. SPG and plankton Less Cal. Fin.
Amount of zooplankton with relatively warm water affinities (boreal) CTA: Cold-Temperate Assemblage calanoid copepods Aetidus armatus, Pleuromamma robusta, Acartia spp. and Metridia lucens. 2. SPG and plankton Zooplankton
3.The Subpolar Gyre and Pelagic Fish (blue whiting)
Stor endringer i kolmule bestanden Largest fishery in the North Atlantic! 3. SPG and blue whiting Large mid-1990s increase
Warm ( ) Cold ( ) Spatial Shift (Catches – all nations) SPG and blue whiting Western region East-West index = (Faroese landings from western region)/ (total faroese landigs)
Blue whiting migration Western index Gyre index
Pilot whale migration
(Catch in NE area)/(total catch)
Long-term pilot whale migration
Prediction Reversal in ! Is this causing the poor recruitments during 05-06? Good recruitment conditions should resume
Atmospheric forcing Katja Lohmann, Helge Drange and Mats Bentsen: What caused the strong weakening of the North Atlantic subpolar gyre post 1995?, Submitted. for GRL 0-wind stress curl