Flow of Atlantic water to the North Icelandic shelf Steingrímur Jónsson 1,2 and Héðinn Valdimarsson 1 1 Marine Research Institute and 2 University of Akureyri
10 cm/s LB6 KG6 Map of the area. The red dots denote current meter positions and the blue denote CTD stations. Depth contours are 100, 200, 500 and 1000 meters.
Salinity on the Hornbanki section. Also shown is the position of the current meters as yellow dots.
Timeline for the measurements
HB1 HB2 HB3 E-W component at the Hornbanki section measured with a vessel mounted ADCP Mean from
Salinity on the Hornbanki section. Also shown is the position of the current meters as yellow dots.
Time series of temperature from the current meters. Also shown is the average of the E-W component of the velocity at mooring H3 at 84m depth (black line). Each tick on the x-axis denotes the beginning of the corresponding month. The yellow lines indicate the times when CTD sections were taken. Data are weekly running averages.
Potential temperature across the Denmark Strait at the sill, Sep
LB6 80m KG6 80m HB2 80m
Temperature averaged from m on the Siglunes section
0.83 Sv 23 TW 3.8 Sv 134 TW 3.8 Sv 156 TW Österhus et al. (2005) 0.83 Sv = 10% of the total transport to the Nordic Seas 23 TW = 7% of the total heat transport to the Nordic Seas
Transport associated with AW Period Transport of AW (Sv) Proportion of AW (%) Heat transport (TW)
Seasonal variations in transport Amplitude of 0.27 Sv Minimum in February/March Maximum in late spring and summer
10 cm/s LB6 KG6 Map of the area. The red dots denote current meter positions and the blue denote CTD stations. Depth contours are 100, 200, 500 and 1000 meters.
CONCLUSIONS 1.The transport of AW within the NIIC is 0.85 Sv and the associated heat transport is 23 TW 2.This is 11% and 8% of the total transport and heat transport to the Nordic Seas respectively 3.A seasonal variation in the transport with an amplitude of 0.27 Sv is observed with a minimum in February/March and a maximum in late spring and summer 4.There is considerable interannual variability in the flow 5.The flow during was 60% of the flow in In 2003 the flow was 32% more than the flow in
Valdimarsson and Malmberg (1999)
Spawning areas (green) and main patterns of egg and larval transport (arrows) at Iceland and Greenland
Begg and Marteinsdóttir 2000 Mean ( ) spatial distribution of relative abundance (number/nm) of pelagic juvenile cod
10 cm/s LB6 KG6 Map of the area. The red dots denote current meter positions and the blue denote CTD stations. Depth contours are 100, 200, 500 and 1000 meters.
LB6 80m KG6 80m
Drifters deployed on Selvogsbanki in spring 1999 Transit times to Hornbanki section = 2-3 months
Nov 2001 Nov 2003 Nov 2002