I can identify archetypes in a text. I can analyze a writer’s tone in development of his purpose. I can analyze characters and their development. I can edit sentences for mistakes in mechanics and pronoun/antecedent problems.
Pronoun/Antecedent Agreement, Capitalization, comma (nonrestrictive clause), usage, punctuation (title) Everyone who knows their american history knows that Harriet Beecher Stowe whose the author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin had alot to do with stirring up emotions that lead to the civil war. Pronoun/antecedent agreement, usage (right word), nonstandard language, spelling Its true that anybody whose had Ms. Anderson give them a literature assignment could of been confused about the amount of pages to read. Pronoun/antecedent agreement, pronoun (nominative case), quotation marks, capitalization, comma usage My Dad and me wanted to capture a baby moose and take it home said Sven but than we found out they might grow to 2000 pounds.
Vocabulary Lesson 2, exercises 1 and 4 Find a copy of The Old Man and the Sea by Monday A pdf version is available online n%202013/Hemmingway_The%20Old%20Man%2 0and%20the%20Sea_1952.pdf
Define honor. Who has it? What does it look like? What is an “honors” class?
Review the packet Read the story What makes this story representative of the Dark Romantics?