Progression of Learning Elementary English as a Second Language MELS Working Document 2009
Workshop Goals To understand the structure of the Progression of Learning document To understand its use as a planning tool for teachers To reflect on how to share the information with teachers MELS Working Document 2009
Agenda Graffiti Activity (Activating prior knowledge) Developing the Progression of Learning (Working context) Presenting Driving Questions Exploring the Progression of Learning Workshop Evaluation MELS Working Document 2009
Graffiti Activity Activating Prior Knowledge What key words and ideas come to mind when thinking about the Progression of Learning? Write your answers on the poster paper. Discuss with your team. Be prepared to share one idea with the entire group. MELS Working Document 2009
Driving Questions How can the Progression of Learning help teachers plan the development of the ESL competencies? How can we present the Progression of Learning to elementary ESL specialists? PB, page 2 MELS Working Document 2009
Developing the Progression of Learning Mandate & Working Context Research Challenges MELS Working Document 2009
Read the MELS General Introduction to the Progression of Learning. Reading intention: Where does the Progression of Learning fit into the PFEQ? Link to Progression of Learning document: MELS Working Document 2009
Progression of Learning PFEQ BALsCCCs Subject Areas ESL Competencies Key Features Progression of Learning End-of-Cycle Outcomes Evaluation Criteria Essential Knowledge MELS Working Document 2009
Comparing the Progression of Learning & the Essential Knowledge Quiet Reading Time (QRT) Read the general ESL Introduction on page 3 of the Progression of Learning. Skim through the Progression of Learning and compare it to the Essential Knowledge section of the ESL programs. What stands out for you? MELS Working Document 2009
Introduction Learning Contexts Legend Chart Format Footnote (See page 9) Sub-Category Element Category 1 Examples Sub-element (See PB, page 3) MELS Working Document 2009
Progression of Learning Category 1: Contextual Language and Functional Language QRT: Read the Introduction and the Learning Contexts for Cycle One, Cycle Two and Cycle Three of this category. ▪ How is the information organized? ▪ How does the Learning Context evolve over the three cycles? MELS Working Document 2009
Progression of Learning Category 1: Contextual Language and Functional Language Legend and Footnote How can the symbols be explained? In your team, match the words and phrases with a symbol from the legend or with the footnote. PB, page 4 MELS Working Document 2009
Footnote: 1 The Cycle One student constructs new knowledge by gradually becoming aware of new language, strategies, language conventions, text components and cultural elements. (a) Initial exposure to the language (f) Acquires naturally (i) Imitates (t) Discovers MELS Working Document 2009
Legend: Student constructs knowledge with teacher guidance. (c) Explicit teaching (d) Teacher prompts students (e) Teacher-centered (g) Resources provided by teacher (o) Teacher scaffolds learning (s) Modeled by teacher (u) Trial & Error MELS Working Document 2009
Legend: Student applies knowledge by the end of the school year. (b) Most of the students (h) Student-centered (j) Student takes initiative (k) Self-directed use of resources (m) Correctly most of the time MELS Working Document 2009
Legend: Student reinvests knowledge. (l) Reuses (n) Broadens (p) In new contexts (q) Refines (r) Transfers MELS Working Document 2009
Progression of Learning Category 1: Contextual Language and Functional Language Sub-Category A – Useful Expressions Elements and Sub-Elements Compare the Progression of Learning with the Essential Knowledge. What do you notice about the elements? (e.g.: Classroom routines, Instructions, Delay speaking, etc.) What do you notice about the sub-elements? (e.g.: Participates in classroom routines, Gives instructions, Stalls for time, etc.) Look at the element Opinions on page 6 of the Progression of Learning document. What do you notice? PB, page 5 MELS Working Document 2009
Category 1: Contextual Language and Functional Language Sub-Category A – Useful Expressions Some elements have a vertical progression (i.e. from more simple to more complex). What elements from Useful Expressions have a vertical progression? PB, page 5 MELS Working Document 2009
Category 1: Contextual Language and Functional Language Sub-Category A – Useful Expressions Vertical Progression: Identification Capabilities (example in PB, p. 5) Agreement, disagreement Offers of assistance Needs Feelings, interests, tastes, preferences Expressions promoting harmonious exchanges and teamwork PB, page 5 MELS Working Document 2009
Category 1: Contextual Language and Functional Language Sub-Category A – Useful Expressions Look at the different sub-elements for Useful Expressions. Why are they written using action verbs? PB, page 5 MELS Working Document 2009
A competency is a set of behaviours based on the effective mobilization and use of a range of resources.... students’ learnings serve as tools for both action and thought... Source: PFEQ, Chapter 1, page 4. MELS Working Document 2009
Brain Teaser At a workshop, a teacher asks you: “How is progression shown in Cycle 1?” MELS Working Document 2009
Progression of Learning Lunch MELS Working Document 2009
Progression of Learning Category 1: Contextual Language and Functional Language Sub-Category A – Useful Expressions Examples Close your Progression of Learning. In pairs, write your own examples for the sub- elements. Then, compare your answers with the Progression of Learning document. PB, page 6 MELS Working Document 2009
Category 1: Contextual Language and Functional Language Sub-Category A – Useful Expressions Examples How can the examples help teachers? How can the examples be misleading? MELS Working Document 2009
Category 1: Contextual Language and Functional Language Sub-Category B - Vocabulary Which sub-elements of vocabulary should most students be able to apply by the end of each year at elementary? PB, page 7 MELS Working Document 2009
Category 1: Contextual Language and Functional Language Sub-Category B - Vocabulary Grade 3 Uses vocabulary related to school MELS Working Document 2009
Category 1: Contextual Language and Functional Language Sub-Category B - Vocabulary Grade 4 E.g. Uses action words Uses vocabulary related to other familiar environments Uses personal pronouns and possessive forms to talk about self Uses the alphabet to spell words in context Uses cardinal and ordinal numbers frequently encountered in class Uses the names of colours and shapes frequently encountered in class MELS Working Document 2009
Category 1: Contextual Language and Functional Language Sub-Category B – Vocabulary Grade 5 Uses expressions of time frequently encountered in class Grade 6 E.g. Responds to question words used in context Uses question words in context MELS Working Document 2009
Category 1: Contextual Language and Functional Language Sub-Category B – Vocabulary Which sub-elements of vocabulary will still require teacher guidance at the end of elementary school? Uses targeted vocabulary to carry out tasks Uses personal pronouns and possessive forms to talk about others Uses preposition and location words required for tasks MELS Working Document 2009
Category 1 Wrap-up Refer back to the two driving questions. What information would you add? PB, Page 2 MELS Working Document 2009
Brain Teaser In the Progression of Learning document: Why is Circumlocution omitted from the Useful Expressions section of the document? Why did Yes/No Questions change sub- categories? Hint: Compare PFEQ and Progression of Learning MELS Working Document 2009
Category 2 - Strategies QRT: Read the Introduction and Learning Contexts for this category. Close your Progression of Learning. MELS Working Document 2009
Category 2 – Strategies Which strategies do you think students should be able to apply by the end of Cycle 2? Discuss your choices with your team and then compare with the Progression of Learning. Which type of strategy is not starred? Why? PB, page 8. MELS Working Document 2009
Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 -Delay speaking -Risk-taking: Dares to use functional language frequently used in class to speak only English, in spite of making errors -Asking for help -Asking for clarification -Practice -Accepting not being able to understand everything listened to or read -Attention: Decides to concentrate on the right things - Resourcing - Note-taking -Circumlocution - Risk-taking: Experiments with known language - Attention: Maintains attention during tasks - Use of prior knowledge - Predicting - Inferencing - Skimming - Scanning - Cooperation MELS Working Document 2009
Category 3 - Language Conventions QRT: Read the Introduction and Learning Contexts for this category. MELS Working Document 2009
Category 3 - Language Conventions Language conventions are not targeted in Cycle One. Why? Hint: Look at the Learning Contexts. What do you think is the place of metalanguage (i.e. grammar terminology) in the Progression of Learning? PB, page 9. MELS Working Document 2009
Context for grammar MELS Working Document 2009
Category 3 - Language Conventions The chart below is another way of looking at the Language Conventions Category. Why do you think the sub-elements progress as follows? How would you explain this to teachers? PB, page 9. MELS Working Document 2009
Category 3 - Language Conventions Which sub-elements of Language Conventions will still require teacher guidance at the end of elementary school? Places articles before nouns Uses knowledge of verb tenses to construct meaning Uses verb tenses targeted to task MELS Working Document 2009
Category 4 - Text Components QRT: Read the Introduction and the Learning Contexts for this category. What stands out for you? MELS Working Document 2009
Category 4 - Text Components What additional information do the sub- elements provide teachers in their planning? Hint: Compare the Progression of Learning document with the Cycles Two and Three program. PB, page 10. MELS Working Document 2009
Category 5 – Cultural Elements and Cultural Products Read the Introduction and the Learning Contexts for this category. What do you notice? MELS Working Document 2009
Category 5 – Cultural Elements and Cultural Products Look at the information in the chart of the Progression of Learning. What stands out for you? How would you present this category to teachers? In your team, think of some activities. PB, page 10 MELS Working Document 2009
Driving Questions Go back to the Driving Questions (PB, page 2). How can the Progression of Learning help teachers plan the development of the ESL competencies? How can we present the Progression of Learning to elementary ESL specialists? Share ideas with your teammates. MELS Working Document 2009
What Would You Say? Are teachers required to use the Progression of Learning? Do we have to give knowledge quizzes? Does the Progression of Learning make published materials inadequate or incomplete? MELS Working Document 2009
What Would You Say? How many stars ( ) does a student need to pass each year of elementary? Is the Progression of Learning a tool specifically for new teachers? MELS Working Document 2009
Workshop Evaluation MELS Working Document 2009