BUILDING VOCABULARY SKILLS Fourth Edition Sherrie L. Nist © 2010 Townsend Press
Unit Three: Chapter 18 • con- • script, scrib • dict • -ship • dis- • tele- • micro- • trans- • ped • tri- Page 96 in textbook.
TEN WORD PARTS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 1 con- • Members of the congregation screamed when the minister fell down in the middle of his sermon. • “You know,” Mr. Warner told his band, “the trombones are supposed to play with the conductor, not against him.” The word part con- means A. write. B. together. C. foot. Page 96 in textbook. Answer: B The next slide explains the answer.
TEN WORD PARTS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 1 con- • Members of the congregation screamed when the minister fell down in the middle of his sermon. • “You know,” Mr. Warner told his band, “the trombones are supposed to play with the conductor, not against him.” The word part con- means A. write. B. together. C. foot. Page 96 in textbook. A congregation is a group of people who have come together. A conductor keeps the musicians playing together.
TEN WORD PARTS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 2 dict • “The job of our country’s dictator is to speak,” said the general. “He does not have to listen.” • If I say no, Malik says yes. He loves to contradict me. The word part dict means A. speak. B. with. C. foot. Page 96 in textbook. Answer: A The next slide explains the answer.
TEN WORD PARTS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 2 dict • “The job of our country’s dictator is to speak,” said the general. “He does not have to listen.” • If I say no, Malik says yes. He loves to contradict me. The word part dict means A. speak. B. with. C. foot. Page 96 in textbook. In the first item, the word speak tells you the meaning of the word part dict. Saying yes when someone else says no is to speak the opposite of what has been said.
TEN WORD PARTS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 3 dis- • It displeases Tai to hear his girlfriend say bad things about herself all the time. • Before they disappeared from the earth, dinosaurs were around for 140 million years. The word part dis- means A. write. B. by hand. C. opposite of. Page 96 in textbook. Answer: C The next slide explains the answer.
TEN WORD PARTS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 3 dis- • It displeases Tai to hear his girlfriend say bad things about herself all the time. • Before they disappeared from the earth, dinosaurs were around for 140 million years. The word part dis- means A. write. B. by hand. C. opposite of. Page 96 in textbook. It makes Tai the opposite of pleased to hear his girlfriend say bad things about herself. After being around for 140 million years, dinosaurs did the opposite of appear on the earth.
TEN WORD PARTS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 4 micro- • In World War II, spies took microphotographs and then made them even smaller, the size of a printed period. • Microbiology is the study of life forms so tiny they cannot be seen by the naked eye. The word part micro- means A. quality. B. small. C. far. Page 96 in textbook. Answer: B The next slide explains the answer. A microscope
TEN WORD PARTS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 4 micro- • In World War II, spies took microphotographs and then made them even smaller, the size of a printed period. • Microbiology is the study of life forms so tiny they cannot be seen by the naked eye. The word part micro- means A. quality. B. small. C. far. Page 96 in textbook. If spies made the pictures even smaller, the microphotographs must have been small to begin with. In the second item, the word tiny suggests that micro means “small.” A microscope helps people see small things.
TEN WORD PARTS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 5 ped • Humans and apes aren’t the only bipeds. Birds also walk on two feet. • I like to give myself a pedicure in the summer so my toes look neat and polished in open-toed shoes. The word part ped means A. over. B. not. C. foot. Page 96 in textbook. Answer: C The next slide explains the answer.
TEN WORD PARTS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 5 ped • Humans and apes aren’t the only bipeds. Birds also walk on two feet. • I like to give myself a pedicure in the summer so my toes look neat and polished in open-toed shoes. The word part ped means A. over. B. not. C. foot. Page 96 in textbook. In the first item, the second sentence tells you that bipeds means “two feet.” In the second item, if she wants her toes to look good, the word pedicure must involve the feet.
TEN WORD PARTS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 6 script, scrib • The author of the play didn’t like it when actors spoke words that were not in the script. • Travel writers use richly detailed language to describe the places they have visited. The word part script or scrib means A. time. B. write. C. remember. Page 96 in textbook. Answer: B The next slide explains the answer.
TEN WORD PARTS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 6 script, scrib • The author of the play didn’t like it when actors spoke words that were not in the script. • Travel writers use richly detailed language to describe the places they have visited. The word part script or scrib means A. time. B. write. C. remember. Page 96 in textbook. The author would be unhappy if the actors didn’t speak the words he wrote. Travel writers write about the places they have visited.
TEN WORD PARTS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 7 -ship • Does good citizenship require following all the rules all the time? • The two elderly sisters live together to provide each other with help and companionship. The word part -ship means A. state of being. B. across. C. the opposite of. Page 97 in textbook. Answer: A The next slide explains the answer.
TEN WORD PARTS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 7 -ship • Does good citizenship require following all the rules all the time? • The two elderly sisters live together to provide each other with help and companionship. The word part -ship means A. state of being. B. across. C. the opposite of. Page 97 in textbook. Citizenship is the state of being a citizen. If the elderly sisters live together, they provide each other with the state or quality of being companions to one another.
TEN WORD PARTS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 8 tele- • Through the telephoto lens, the distant eagle came clearly into view. • Before the telephone was invented, people could not speak to faraway loved ones. The word part tele- means A. before. B. three. C. far. Page 97 in textbook. Answer: C The next slide explains the answer. A telescope Photo: Osvaldo Gago
TEN WORD PARTS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 8 tele- • Through the telephoto lens, the distant eagle came clearly into view. • Before the telephone was invented, people could not speak to faraway loved ones. The word part tele- means A. before. B. three. C. far. Page 97 in textbook. A telescope makes things that are far away appear closer. A telephoto lens makes something that is far away appear closer. The word distant is a clue. The telephone allows people to speak to others who are far away. Photo: Osvaldo Gago
TEN WORD PARTS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 9 trans- • I had to transfer a large package from my right hand to my left in order to reach for my keys and open the door. • It’s hard to translate Zulu sounds into written English because the Zulu language includes clicks, ticks, and pops. The word part trans- means A. heat. B. change. C. again. Page 97 in textbook. Answer: B The next slide explains the answer.
TEN WORD PARTS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 9 trans- • I had to transfer a large package from my right hand to my left in order to reach for my keys and open the door. • It’s hard to translate Zulu sounds into written English because the Zulu language includes clicks, ticks, and pops. The word part trans- means A. heat. B. change. C. again. Page 97 in textbook. One changes the package from one hand to the other in order to open the door. It’s hard to change Zulu sounds into written English.
TEN WORD PARTS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 10 tri- • Stan bought three rattles, three little blankets, and three knitted caps. He’s the proud grandfather of triplets. • Mara, Tod, and I have formed a guitar trio. Now all we need are three guitars. The word part tri- means A. beyond. B. three. C. good. Page 97 in textbook. Answer: B The next slide explains the answer. A tricycle
TEN WORD PARTS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 10 tri- • Stan bought three rattles, three little blankets, and three knitted caps. He’s the proud grandfather of triplets. • Mara, Tod, and I have formed a guitar trio. Now all we need are three guitars. The word part tri- means A. beyond. B. three. C. good. Page 97 in textbook. If Stan bought three of everything, there must be three infants. If they need three guitars, a guitar trio must have three guitar players. A tricycle has three wheels.
SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each italicized word with the correct word part from the box. A. con- B. dict C. dis- D. micro- E. ped- F. script, scrib G. -ship H. tele- I. trans- J. tri- 1. The weather forecaster (pre . . . ed) ___ rain, but we got the opposite of what he’d said: a lovely sunny day. 2. Only one foot is required to operate the piano ( . . . als) ___. Page 98 in textbook. Answers: 1. predicted; 2. pedals The next slide explains the answers.
SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each italicized word with the correct word part from the box. A. con- B. dict C. dis- D. micro- E. ped- F. script, scrib G. -ship H. tele- I. trans- J. tri- 1. The weather forecaster _____________ rain, but we got the opposite of what he’d said: a lovely sunny day. predicted The forecaster spoke about getting rain, but the weather was sunny. 2. Only one foot is required to operate the piano _______. pedals A pedal is pushed with the foot. Page 98 in textbook.
SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each italicized word with the correct word part from the box. A. con- B. dict C. dis- D. micro- E. ped- F. script, scrib G. -ship H. tele- I. trans- J. tri- 3. To hold her camera still, the photographer put it on a ( . . . pod) ___, a three-legged support. 4. The organ ( . . . plant) ___ involved replacing the child’s damaged kidney with a kidney from his father. Page 98 in textbook. Answers: 3. tripod; 4. transplant; 5. partnership The next slide explains the answers. 5. In (partner . . . ) ___ with local businesses, the mayor fought graffiti.
SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each italicized word with the correct word part from the box. A. con- B. dict C. dis- D. micro- E. ped- F. script, scrib G. -ship H. tele- I. trans- J. tri- 3. To hold her camera still, the photographer put it on a ____________, a three-legged support. tripod The sentence tells you that a tripod is a three-legged support 4. The organ _____________ involved replacing the child’s damaged kidney with a kidney from his father. transplant Page 98 in textbook. The transplant moves the father’s kidney across to the child. 5. In _______________ with local businesses, the mayor fought graffiti. partnership A partnership is the state of being partners (in this case, partners in fighting graffiti).
SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each italicized word with the correct word part from the box. A. con- B. dict C. dis- D. micro- E. ped- F. script, scrib G. -ship H. tele- I. trans- J. tri- 6. “Teenagers don’t like to be different. They desperately want to ( . . . form) ___,” said Mr. Gilbert, “but with their friends, not with their parents.” 7. Aisha and Hollis get along very well even though they strongly ( . . . agree) ___ on politics. Page 98 in textbook. Answers: 6. conform; 7. disagree The next slide explains the answers.
SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each italicized word with the correct word part from the box. A. con- B. dict C. dis- D. micro- E. ped- F. script, scrib G. -ship H. tele- I. trans- J. tri- 6. “Teenagers don’t like to be different. They desperately want to ____________,” said Mr. Gilbert, “but with their friends, not with their parents.” conform Teenagers want to fit together with their friends. 7. Aisha and Hollis get along very well even though they strongly _____________ on politics. disagree Page 98 in textbook. In spite of the fact that Aisha and Hollis do not agree on politics, they get along very well.
SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each italicized word with the correct word part from the box. A. con- B. dict C. dis- D. micro- E. ped- F. script, scrib G. -ship H. tele- I. trans- J. tri- 8. Libraries can store huge amounts of printed material in small spaces by photographing the material on ( . . . film) ___. 9. My grandfather is very religious; he reads the ( . . . ures) ___ every morning. Page 98 in textbook. Answers: 8. microfilm; 9. Scriptures; 10. televised The next slide explains the answers. 10. Because the presentation of Academy Awards is ( . . . vised) ___ live, even people thousands of miles away can see it as it happens.
SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each italicized word with the correct word part from the box. A. con- B. dict C. dis- D. micro- E. ped- F. script, scrib G. -ship H. tele- I. trans- J. tri- 8. Libraries can store huge amounts of printed material in small spaces by photographing the material on ____________. microfilm If libraries can store the material in small spaces, microfilm must be small. 9. My grandfather is very religious; he reads the ___________ every morning. Scriptures Page 98 in textbook. The grandfather reads the sacred writings of the Bible. 10. Because the presentation of Academy Awards is _____________ live, even people thousands of miles away can see it as it happens. televised If people thousands of miles away can see the event, it must be broadcast far from where it takes place.