腰 痛 How to translate YAO TONG into English? How to make the diagnose of Lower back pain? What is the exact meaning of “lower back”? What are the reasons that cause the lower back pain? What kind of diseases in the field of western medicine can be treated as YAO Tong of TCM? What kind of examinations you should make on the patient?
How to make the differentiation on lower back pain? Please analyze in details. How to treat lower back pain by acupuncture? Is there any difference between treating a chronic and an acute lower back pain? Have you treated a patient suffered from lower back pain? Would you please share us your experience?
Have you heard “sciatica” ? What a kind of disease it is ? What the relationship between sciatic nerve and the protrusion of lumbar intervertebral discs ? How to diagnose sciatica ? Is there any difference between the treatment of lower back pain and sciatica ? Any other questions ?
腰 痛 (Lower back Pain) 概念 病因病机 * 辨证 ** 针灸治疗 ** 注意事项