Rainbow of food.


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Presentation transcript:

Rainbow of food

Учитель : Акимова Галина Михайловна Голицынская СОШ № 2 Класс: 10 класс Предмет: Английский язык Тип урока: Урок изучения нового учебного материала. Вид урока: введение нового материала. Материально-техническое обеспечение урока: проектор, СD, УМК Цель урока: Цель: Развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции учащихся с элементами рассуждения и обобщения. Задачи: Практические: • развивать у учащихся умения монологической речи; • развивать у учащихся умения понимать иноязычную информацию на слух; Воспитательные: формировать потребность в практическом использовании английского языка в социально- культурной сфере; воспитывать культуру общения.

Protect you from serious illnesses- keep older people active- Ex.4b Find the expressions in the text, translate them from English into Russian Protect you from serious illnesses- keep older people active- treat yourself to- give extra boost- brain food- improve your powers of concentration- fight off infections- Eyesight-

keep your emotions under control- contain vitamins and minerals- stay happy- make optimistic- calm yourself down- keep your emotions under control- contain vitamins and minerals- keep your teeth and bones strong and healthy- are soothing both emotionally and physically- prepare you for a good night’s rest- make people more creative- keep you looking young-

Make 10 questions to the text with these words (разные типы вопросов) Make 10 questions to the text with these words (разные типы вопросов). You have got 3 minutes. For example: 1) What foods do you eat to protect from many serious illnesses? 2) When do you eat red foods?

ex.6 b, p 103 Now work in pairs and match the words in bold to their meaning .You have got 1 minute. Who will be the first let me know, please. Time is over. Let’ check. Answer Key: Boost- lift, extra energy Brain-the organ you think with

Ex. 7 p. 103 T: Write down what did you eat yesterday and explain. Are they healthy or no? Look through the table of the exercise and try to use words and phrases. S: Well, my list had very few fruits and vegetable and a lot of sweets and biscuits. I suppose that’s not very healthy.

Ex. 8 p.103 Prepare a two minute talk about improving eating habits using a rainbow diet. S: Healthy Food It’s very important to choose the right food nowadays. Healthy and balanced diet is useful for every person……………..

Ex.9 p 103. Let’s work out a healthy menu for Monday. Breakfast: cereal with fruit: strawberries, melon, apple and banana. Midmorning snack: Lunch: Dinner:

Now let’s return to the beginning of our lesson. Can you tell me the subject of our today’s lesson? So, how do you find today’s lesson? Have you leant anything new? Maybe methods of cooking or rainbow of food or any new words? Ok, thank you very much for your hard work, your marks : ....... Write down your homework, please: ex. in workbook .p

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