Faith is knowing the sun will rise, lighting each new day. Faith is knowing the Lord will hear my prayers each time I pray. Faith is like a little seed: If planted, it will grow. Faith is a swelling within my heart. When I do right, I know. Faith is knowing I lived with God before my mortal birth. Faith is knowing I can return when my life ends on earth. Faith is trust in God above; In Christ, who showed the way. Faith is strengthened; I feel it grow Whenever I obey. Words: Beatrice Goff Jackson, b © 1978 IRI Music: Michael Finlinson Moody, b © 1978 IRI mp3 wav wma
a. A load or sorrow difficult to bear b. Willing to learn; lack of pride c. Misfortune, suffering, or difficulty d. Lack of freedom; slavery e. Harassment, affliction, or attack f. Believing without seeing
Let’s review the prophecies of Abinadi concerning the Nephites from Mosiah 12:2, 4–5. Mosiah 12:2, 4–5Mosiah 12:2, 4–5 These prophesies were literally fulfilled even though the Nephites were split into two separate groups. Our lesson is about the people of King Limhi and the people of Alma.
“Lesson 13: The People of King Limhi and the People of Alma,” Primary 4: Book of Mormon, (1997),44 “King Limni and His People Escape” and “Alma and His People Escape,” Book of Mormon Stories, Ch 16&17, p 45-48
“King Limni and His People Escape” Book of Mormon Stories, Ch 16, p 45-46
The Lamanites captured many of the Nephites who had not escaped with King Noah. The Lamanites took them away and gave them land but made them pay heavy taxes.
The Nephites made Limhi their new king. Limhi was King Noah’s son, but he was not wicked like his father. He was a good man.
King Limhi tried to make peace with the Lamanites, but they continued guarding the Nephites and being cruel to them.
The Nephites began to complain and murmur against the Lamanites to King Limhi. Finally, King Limhi gave them permission to drive the Lamanites out of their land.
The Nephites went into battle against the Lamanites three times. They could not drive them out. Many Nephites were killed.
They knew Abinadi’s prophecy of the Nephite people had come true. Abinadi had told the people to repent and believe in Jesus Christ or they would not be saved.
The Nephites were very sad because so many had died. They humbled themselves and prayed for forgiveness. Heavenly Father softened the hearts of the Lamanites and they stopped being cruel to the Nephites. The Nephites were still not free.
One day King Limhi saw some strangers outside the city. He had them put in prison. The strangers were Nephites from Zarahemla.
Their leader was named Ammon. King Limhi was happy to see him. He knew that Ammon could help his people escape from the Lamanites.
King Limhi called his people together. He reminded them that their wickedness was the reason they were being held by the Lamanites.
He told his people to repent, trust God, and obey the commandments. Then God would help them escape. Many of the people repented and were humble and obedient.
The Nephites learned that the Lamanites who guarded the city usually got drunk at night.
That night King Limhi sent extra wine to the guards as a present. King Limhi and his people were able to walk past the drunken guards and escape.
Ammon guided King Limhi and his people through the wilderness to Zarahemla, where they were welcomed.
“Alma and His People Escape,” Book of Mormon Stories, Ch 17, p 47-48
One day while Alma’s people were working in their fields, a Lamanite army crossed the border into their land.
The Nephites were frightened and ran to the city for safety. Alma told them to remember God and He would help them. The Nephites began to pray.
The Lord softened the hearts of the Lamanites, and they did not hurt the Nephites. The Lamanites had become lost while trying to find King Limhi’s people.
The Lamanites promised Alma that they would not bother his people if he would tell them how to get back to their land. Alma showed them the way.
But the Lamanites did not keep their promise. They put guards around the land, and Alma and his people were no longer free.
The Lamanite king made Amulon the ruler over Alma’s people. Amulon had been a Nephite and a wicked priest of King Noah.
Amulon made Alma’s people work very hard. They prayed for help, but Amulon said anyone caught praying would be killed. The people continued praying in their hearts.
God heard their prayers and strengthened the people so their work seemed easier. The people were cheerful and patient.
God was pleased that the people were faithful. He told Alma that He would help them escape from the Lamanites.
During the night the people gathered their food and animals. The next morning God kept the Lamanites asleep while Alma and his people left the city.
After traveling for 12 days, the people arrived at Zarahemla, where King Mosiah and his people welcomed them.
King Mosiah made Alma the leader of the Church in Zarahemla. Alma then chose other men to help him teach the Nephites.
IIIIn what ways did the Lamanites persecute the people of Limhi? LLLLet’s read M M M M M oooo ssss iiii aaaa hhhh :::: Why did this happen? Let’s read Mosiah 21:4; 12:2, 4–5 Mosiah 21:4 12:2, 4–5 Mosiah 21:4 12:2, 4–5
What effect did losing three times in battle to the Lamanites have on the people of King Limhi? Let’s read Mosiah 21:13–14 Mosiah 21:13–14 Mosiah 21:13–14
What does it mean to be humble? WWWWhy do you think the Nephites finally humbled themselves?
Why was Heavenly Father slow to hear the cries of Limhi’s people? Let’s read Mosiah 21:15 Mosiah 21:15Mosiah 21:15 How did He finally answer their pleas for help? Let’s read Mosiah 21:15–16 Mosiah 21:15–16Mosiah 21:15–16
What could Limhi’s people learn from living in bondage? HHHHow can sufferings in our lives help us become more humble, obedient, and prayerful?
After King Limhi and his people had made a covenant, or promise, with God, what did they want to do to show they honored their covenant with Him? Let’s read Mosiah 21:35 Mosiah 21:35 Mosiah 21:35
How can we show Heavenly Father that we honor our baptismal covenants?
Let’s read Mosiah 23:21 Mosiah 23:21 Mosiah 23:21 What are some reasons the faith and patience of the people of Alma were tested?
What promise did the Lord make to them and to us if we put our trust in Him when our patience and faith are being tested? Let’s read Mosiah 23:22 Mosiah 23:22Mosiah 23:22 How have you been blessed by trusting in the Lord?
Why did Alma say that his people should not be frightened? Let’s read Mosiah 23:27 Mosiah 23:27Mosiah 23:27 How did the people respond to his counsel? Let’s read Mosiah 23:28 Mosiah 23:28 Mosiah 23:28
How did the Lord help Alma’s people? Let’s read Mosiah 23:29 Mosiah 23:29Mosiah 23:29 How has the Lord helped you find courage?
WWWWhat can you do to become stronger through adversity? How has Heavenly Father blessed you or your family in adversity?
HHHHow did Alma and his people tell Heavenly Father what they needed when the wicked ruler, Amulon, would not let them pray out loud? Let’s read Mosiah 24:12 Mosiah 24:12 Mosiah 24:12
How How did Heavenly Father answer their prayers and keep His promise to them? Let’s Let’s read Mosiah 24:13–16 How has Heavenly Father kept His promises to you?
What did Alma and his people remember to do after they had been delivered from the Lamanites? Let’s read Mosiah 24:21–22 Mosiah 24:21–22 Mosiah 24:21–22
Why is it important to show gratitude, even in adversity? How can we show gratitude to Heavenly Father for our blessings?
How were the people blessed spiritually through their adversity? How can having faith in Jesus Christ and humility strengthen you during times of adversity?
King Limhi will tell the account of his people. Alma will tell the account of his people. Do any of you have any questions for our guests? Enr. Act. 1
Time to split into teams! Decide on your favorite part of the story. Each team will take a turn acting out their favorite part of the story while the other teams guess what part of the story it is. Enr. Act. 2
LLLLet’s memorize the f f f f f oooo uuuu rrrr tttt hhhh a a a a rrrr tttt iiii cccc llll eeee o o o o ffff ffff aaaa iiii tttt hhhh: WWWWe believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: ffffirst, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; ssssecond, Repentance; tttthird, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; ffffourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost. Enr. Act. 3 mp3 wma wav
RRRRead some of the following scriptures silently and mark those that have an important meaning to you: MMMM oooo ssss iiii aaaa hhhh :::: 7777,,,, ,,,, –––– MMMM oooo ssss iiii aaaa hhhh :::: –––– ,,,, –––– MMMM oooo ssss iiii aaaa hhhh :::: ,,,, –––– ,,,, –––– Enr. Act. 5
IIII am grateful for the blessings I have received from the Lord during times of adversity. IIII know that there are some lessons we can learn only by enduring adversity and putting our trust in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
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