Revolution VS Rotation By: Ulrich Torres
Rotation of The Earth Rotation means “to spin”. Earth rotates on its axis,an imaginary line going through the center of the earth from the north pole to the south pole. Earth completes 1 rotation every 24 hours. The Earth rotates counterclockwise. The speed of rotation is 24,855 miles/24hr or 1,038 miles/hr.
Revolution Revolution (Orbit) means “to go around something” It takes the Earth 1 year ( days = 8,766 hrs) to revolve around the sun. The Earth also revolves counterclockwise around the sun. The speed of the Earths revolution is about 18 miles per second.
Summary Rotation - The Earth spinning on its own axis Rotation speed- 24,855 miles/24hr or 1,038 miles/hr Revolution – The Earth revolves (spins around) the sun Revolution speed -18 miles/sec.
Fun Facts We are all moving at a speed of up to 1,674 km/hr thanks to the earths rotation. Due to gravitational interactions with the moon,the Earth’s rotation is gradually slowing down. Around the beginning of Earths formation a day lasted about 13 or 14 hours instead of 24. Every year the Moon moves about 1.6 inches out from its orbit around the earth. You are carried about 18 miles through space every second due to the orbital motion of the Earth.
References earth%E2%80%99s-rotation-and-revolution/ earth%E2%80%99s-rotation-and-revolution/