Session 3: Sprechen Sie Deutshce?
Sprechen Sie Deutsche? Until we intentionally discipline ourselves to be still and listen, well miss most of what Hes saying.
Sprechen Sie Deutsche? HIS WORD When we say that God is silent, what were really saying is that we are not discerning His instruction in a specific way.
Sprechen Sie Deutsche? Worship Worship is an overflow of our personal encounters with God
Sprechen Sie Deutsche? Worship Take a moment to think of your favorite worship song or hymn. Why does that song speak to you, and what does it teach you about God?Why does that song speak to you, and what does it teach you about God? Write down a few things about it that stand out to you.Write down a few things about it that stand out to you.
Sprechen Sie Deutsche? History In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets many times and in many different ways. Hebrews 1:1
Sprechen Sie Deutsche? His Children And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Hebrews 10:24-25
Sprechen Sie Deutsche? His Children A Word of Caution: 1.the people that we have as our brain trust need to be strong, mature Christians. 2.We need to make sure that the council were receiving is in line with what Gods Word says.
Tonya Legeman
Lectio Divina Matthew 15:22-28