Crystal, Janazae, and Jessica Saturn Crystal, Janazae, and Jessica
Distance from the sun Saturn’s is the 6 planet from the sun Saturn’s is 1.4billoin miles from the sun
Saturn’s diameter . Saturn diameter is 9.4 times than earth km
Saturn’s Gravity . It’s 91% of the gravity of Earth’s gravity
Rotations around the sun It takes Saturn to go around the sun in earth years 10759.2 earth days
Saturn’s rotation on its axis It is very fast in speed It rotates every 10 hours and 39 min
Saturn’s Moons ***There are 62 moons*** Moon 1 Mimas Moon 2 Enceladus Moon 3 tethys Moon 4 dinoe Moon 5 rhea Moon 6 Titan Moon 7 Hyperion Moon 8 Iapetus Moon 9 Erriapus Moon 10 phoebe
Saturn’s composition Saturn is made out of helium, ice liquid, hydrogen, and liquid metalic hydrogen
Saturn’s atmosphere Hydrogen,helieum ,and methane
Saturn’s weather Saturn weather is crease less and less and very strong. The wind goes up to 500 hundred meter per sec. That is about 1800km.
Average temperature In the day it is 30c degrees In the night it is 85c degrees
More Interesting Facts Saturn is well known for its rings Saturns rings are 169,800miles wide Capprox 273,266km they are really thin rings
Saturn vs Earth Saturn Earth Made out of gases Has rings Have strong winds Has life Made mostly out of water Earth has a atmosphere
How They are Similar They live in the solar system Goes around the sun Has moons
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