Recession Reversal 5 Marketing Marvels That Will Have You Thriving... While Your Competition Wonders What Happened...
Train/Locomotive Newspaper/Publishing Manufacturing What Do These Industries Have In Common?
They all missed a massive shift in their industry and rather than capitalize on it... They were crushed by it.
Newspaper/Print Internet and electronic readers... Here’s How It Happened
Train / Locomotive Cars and Trucks came along...
Manufacturing Offshoring and developing countries...
If you’re currently using the newspaper, yellow pages, postcards, or space ads for run the risk of being crushed by your competition... I’m here to make sure it doesn’t happen. It Can Happen To You Too... If You’re Depending On Old Media
Old Media Doesn’t Work As Well As It Used To... Your customers, young and old are using new media to decide whom they are going to do business with...and right now that choice is not you.
The New Media Revolution Introduces:
Times are rapidly changing Phone Directory Newspapers TV Telemarketing Direct Mail Print Ads Where is yours? Declining Rapidly DVR/TiVo Do Not Call List 1%-2% Yield Rising Costs Spam Software Traditional advertising mediums are loosing their effectiveness
Mobile Phone Market 4 TIMES as many mobile phone users as internet users 33% of phones use high speed data services iPhone, Blackberry and Android The Mobile Media Revolution
Mobile App Market OVER 3 BILLION iPhone Apps Downloaded Apple iTunes has over 100,000 apps Blackberry and Android also have app store The Mobile Media Revolution
Why Mobile Media Matters Mobile advertising has a 10 TIMES HIGHER click through rate than online advertising Mobile advertising has 8 TIMES HIGHER brand awareness Mobile traffic has a 6 TIMES HIGHER purchase intent than online traffic
Online and on their phone. Just having a web page isn’t enough anymore. You want to be a respected and trusted authority and a yellow page ad isn’t going to get it done for you. You need to be where your customers are every day: This Is A Paradigm Shift
Why Mobile? There are 5 billion plus cell phone user vs. only 1.8 billion Internet users (almost 3x in market size.) Of these users, 51 Million use smart phones. There is a fundamental shift in how people are communicating. Only 18.9% of EVER gets opened while… Over 90% of Text Messages are read within 5 minutes of receipt.
Not to mention… 73% of new mobile phone buyers report that text messaging is the most important feature on their phone The typical mobile phone user now sends more text messages than mobile phone calls Gen Y and Z consider passé. In fact, some universities have stopped distributing accounts.
What Consumers Take With Them
According To Its President, Google is about to become a Mobile marketing company
Smartphone Applications Six Page Mobile Optimized Websites Unlimited Text Messaging Mobile Coupons Targeted Mobile Marketing Let’s Talk About Our 5 Marketing Marvels
Establish a Six Page mobile optimized website Generate your own custom App icon Setup a back office where you can change your App’s content at anytime Provide a Texting Platform with Unlimited Text Messages We can even help… Get you listed in all local search directories Setup and run full New Media advertising campaigns And we can Do It For You
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