MEDICINE IN MIDDLE AGES Assist.Prof.Dr. Mehmet KARATAŞ Department of History of Medicine and Ethics
Medicine In Middle Ages 500 AD-1500 AD First period Second period: Mostly philosophica, Under influence of ancient medicine (Greek-Roma cultures) Christianity appeared as a monotheistic religion in Roman Empire and in 4rd century became a state religion.
Jesus / Plague
Religion/Disease Jewish Christian Muslim
Medicine In Middle Ages Caring for the sick people began as a charity in the early Christian world and nuns began to care for the sick in medieval ages. Medicinal plants exist in herb gardens in the monasteries. They were called hortuli. Early hospitals: After 335 AD. 1145 Montpellier–Holy Ghost Hospital
St Helena hospital (330 AD) Rome Fabiola (343-420 AD) The first Christian community hospital
Emperor Constantine
Medicine In Middle Ages Schools of medicine in the Middle Ages Italy (9th century) Milano Salerno Padova Bologna Napoli Montpellier (France) While religion was very influential at first on these schools, its influence started to decrease in time and in 1130 practice of medicine was prohibited for clergymen.
There are important differences between the status of priests and Physician Saint Benedict
Physician / Saint Humilitas
Padua University
The four elements
Famous physicians Luca Pantaleon Cosmas & Damian
cosmas & damian
Cosmas and Damian murder
Miraculous Healings Christ performed some miraculous healings, and this is depicted in the iconography of western art. It was believed that cure of the disease was only possible through praying. So patients expected miraculous healings from Christ. In the Christian west in middle ages, they emphasized the salvation of the soul rather than the body. People believed that Saints had an ability to heal patients and they expected health from different Saints. People who had toothache had to pray Saint Apolanaire, St. Antony was responsibly for curing fevers, St. Roch for plague etc.
Saint Lucy
Saint Mary
Miraculous Healings Evil could be everywhere and could challenge human beings. Psychiatric patients were believed to be in cooperation with evil and they were burned in public in town centers. Sometimes priests tried to take devil from their body. This called was exorcism and in fact, they applied serious torture procedures to those poor patients.
Woman / Devil
Medicine In Middle Ages Monasticism Monasticism was a part of the Middle Age culture. Following the hermitic tradition of separation from worldly society, monks lived in monasteries.
Examination and dissection
Student / Dissection
Epidemics in the Middle Age Diseases prevalent Through the Middle Ages leprosy and plague were important diseases. Leprosy people were stigmatized in western world and separated from the society. In fact, a variety of skin diseases were also identified as leprosy. Epidemics of typhus, smallpox, and other diseases spread with crusaders through the continent. Plague was the most horrible disease and was called as Black Death. Especially plague epidemics influenced societies so deeply. Many people died with this epidemic and those scenes were described place in the Western art later on.
Konuyla İlgili SORU/CEVAP Ortaçağ döneminde İtalya’da bulunan üç ünlü tıp okulu hangileriydi? Cevap 1: Milano, Salerno, Padova Soru 2: Orataçağ döneminde dünyada özellikle etkili olan hastalıklar nelerdi? Cevap 2: Veba, lepra, çiçek, tifüs
References A. Selim ATAY, İnönü Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, translation Tolga GÜVEN, Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Tarihi ve Etik AD ders notları Ali Haydar BAYAT, Tıp Tarihi Emine ATABEK, Şefik GÖRKEY, Başlangıcından Rönesansa Kadar Tıp Tarihi Çağlar Boyu Tıp, Roche Yayınları