MIDDLE AGES.  Begins – Fall of Western Roman Empire  Ends – Renaissance  Called “Middle Ages” – time period in between Classical Age (Greeks/Romans)


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Presentation transcript:


 Begins – Fall of Western Roman Empire  Ends – Renaissance  Called “Middle Ages” – time period in between Classical Age (Greeks/Romans) and Modern Age (beginning with Renaissance)  Many times Middle Ages divided into different periods: Early Middle Ages (Dark Ages), High Middle Ages, Late Middle Ages

 Western Roman Empire ended by: Germanic Invaders such as: Franks, Vandals, Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Angles, Saxons…  The Middle Ages will mark the start of a FEUDAL Society  Kings/Nobles/Knights/Peasants  The Church becomes stabilizing force

 The first 500 years of the Middle Ages  Scarcity of literature and cultural output  Going on at the same time in other parts of the world: Byzantine Empire, Islamic Caliphate

Characteristics:  Lack of a Strong Central Government Unlike the Roman Empire which featured a strong central gov’t. – the feudal period in European history had weak central gov’ts.  No one to keep order: REPEATED INVASIONS CONSTANT WARFARE

Characteristics:  Lack of a Strong Central Government  Repeated Invasions  Disruption of Trade  Downfall of Cities  Population More Rural  Loss of Common Language  Decline in Learning