Today’s Lesson : Parts and Function of the Common Plant Click here
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Truly where most of the plant’s energy goes. And, as most will agree the most attractive part of the plant. The Flower is the reproductive part of the plant and this is the part of the plant that depend on insect and animals for successfulpollination.After successful pollination a fruit will appear Anther Pistil Stamen Fruit Click here
The Leaves are wonderful structures that produce food for the plant. As a matter- of-fact, plants are the only living things that can produce their own food. That is why we call them Producers. Through a process known as Photosynthesis, plants take in carbon dioxide, the energy from the sun, and water and produce a special kind of sugar that the plants live on. The plants give off oxygen and moisture after the sugar is made Click here
The system of Stems hold the plant up above ground. Inside the stems are an elaborate system of tubes called pholem an xylem bundles which carry water and food that the plant makes throughout the plant. The stems also hold the leaves and give rigid support for the flowers and the fruit of the plant Click here
The Roots are strutures of the plant that have two very important jobs. First the roots hold the plant in the soil. Second the roots take in water and nutrients for the plant Click here
Number your paper 1-6 then write the correct anwers for the different plant parts. Click for review