LZHS A number and a colon 1 $100 Which of the following means “fungus”? akrasia- myxa- mycota-oo-
LZHS A number and a colon 1 $100 Which of the following means “fungus”? akrasia- myxa- mycota-oo-
LZHS A number and a colon 2 $200 EuglenophytaDinoflagellata ChrysophytaBacillariophyta Which of the following means “egg”? akrasia- myxa- mycota-oo-
LZHS A number and a colon 2 $200 EuglenophytaDinoflagellata ChrysophytaBacillariophyta Which of the following means “egg”? akrasia- myxa- mycota-oo-
LZHS A number and a colon 3 $300 How do organisms that are classified in the Myxomycota Phylum move? A plasmodium A pseudoplasmodium They are stationaryFlagella
LZHS A number and a colon 3 $300 How do organisms that are classified in the Myxomycota Phylum move? A plasmodium A pseudoplasmodium They are stationaryFlagella
LZHS A number and a colon 4 $500 How do organisms that are classified in the Dictyostelida Phylum move? A plasmodium A pseudoplasmodium They are stationaryFlagella
LZHS A number and a colon 4 $500 How do organisms that are classified in the Dictyostelida Phylum move? A plasmodium A pseudoplasmodium They are stationaryFlagella
LZHS A number and a colon 5 $1,000 Which of the following forms a plasmodium to move? DictyostelidaOomycota Myxomycota Chytridiomycota
LZHS A number and a colon 5 $1,000 Which of the following forms a plasmodium to move? DictyostelidaOomycota Myxomycota Chytridiomycota
LZHS A number and a colon 6 $2,000 Which of the following forms a pseudoplasmodium to move? DictyostelidaOomycota Myxomycota Chytridiomycota
LZHS A number and a colon 6 $2,000 Which of the following forms a pseudoplasmodium to move? DictyostelidaOomycota Myxomycota Chytridiomycota
LZHS A number and a colon 7 $4,000 Which of the following phyla forms one BIG cell with several nuclei? DictyostelidaOomycota Myxomycota Chytridiomycota
LZHS A number and a colon 7 $4,000 Which of the following phyla forms one BIG cell with several nuclei? DictyostelidaOomycota Myxomycota Chytridiomycota
LZHS A number and a colon 8 $8,000 Which of the following phyla MOST resembles the Fungus Kingdom? DictyostelidaOomycota Myxomycota Chytridiomycota
LZHS A number and a colon 8 $8,000 Which of the following phyla MOST resembles the Fungus Kingdom? DictyostelidaOomycota Myxomycota Chytridiomycota
LZHS A number and a colon 9 $16,000 Which of the following phyla is nicknamed the “Cellular Slime Molds”? DictyostelidaOomycota Myxomycota Chytridiomycota
LZHS A number and a colon 9 $16,000 Which of the following phyla is nicknamed the “Cellular Slime Molds”? DictyostelidaOomycota Myxomycota Chytridiomycota
LZHS A number and a colon 10 $32,000 Which of the following phyla is nicknamed the “Water Molds”? DictyostelidaOomycota Myxomycota Chytridiomycota
LZHS A number and a colon 10 $32,000 Which of the following phyla is nicknamed the “Water Molds”? DictyostelidaOomycota Myxomycota Chytridiomycota
LZHS A number and a colon 11 $64,000 Which of the following phyla is nicknamed the “Acellular Slime Mold”? DictyostelidaOomycota Myxomycota Chytridiomycota
LZHS A number and a colon 11 $64,000 Which of the following phyla is nicknamed the “Acellular Slime Mold”? DictyostelidaOomycota Myxomycota Chytridiomycota
LZHS A number and a colon 12 $125,000 Which of the following phyla is nicknamed the “Plasmodial Slime Mold”? DictyostelidaOomycota Myxomycota Chytridiomycota
LZHS A number and a colon 12 $125,000 Which of the following phyla is nicknamed the “Plasmodial Slime Mold”? DictyostelidaOomycota Myxomycota Chytridiomycota
LZHS A number and a colon 13 $250,000 Which phyla have flagella on their reproductive cells? DictyostelidaOomycota Myxomycota Chytridiomycota
LZHS A number and a colon 13 $250,000 Which phyla have flagella on their reproductive cells? DictyostelidaOomycota Myxomycota Chytridiomycota
LZHS A number and a colon 14 $500,000 Which of the following are reasons why Fungus-Like Protists are like Fungi? Non photosyntheticThreadlike Body Contain Cellulose Can make sporangia
LZHS A number and a colon 14 $500,000 Which of the following are reasons why Fungus-Like Protists are like Fungi? Non photosyntheticThreadlike Body Contain Cellulose Can make sporangia
LZHS A number and a colon 15 $1,000,000 Which of the following are reasons why Fungus-Like Protists are NOT like Fungi? Contain CelluloseNo chitin in cell walls Many have flagella Can’t photosynthesize
LZHS A number and a colon 15 $1,000,000 Which of the following are reasons why Fungus-Like Protists are NOT like Fungi? Contain CelluloseNo chitin in cell walls Many have flagella Can’t photosynthesize