1 st step toward MAY 2010
With sincerity in our hearts and honesty in our actions, we work together with love to contribute to building a healthy society as well as developing a “Win Win” sustainable and wealthy enterprise. 1st Step Toward Success MAY 2010
Health Joy Wealth Happiness GTF Enterprise 1st Step Toward Success MAY 2010
Health 1 Due to changing lifestyles, unhealthy dietary habits and increasing environmental pollution, it is more and more difficult to achieve a balanced diet in our life. Proper nutrition is the fundamental element necessary for the maintenance of our good body functions. If we consume foods but are unable to absorb the nutrients from it, there will be negative impact on our body and may even lead to illness. Baby consumes mother’s breast milk to obtain the most precious nutrition in life. It helps in strengthening the body's immune system and keep the body stronger and healthier. GT&F® Milk Powder, formulated to mimic mother’s breast milk, was developed through a biotechnology technique (patented). It is easily absorbed by the human body. It enhances the body’s supply of GTF which is necessary to provide energy to our cells 1st Step Toward Success MAY 2010
Joy 2 With the principle of “sincerity in our hearts and honesty in our actions“, GTF Worldwide is providing a healthcare solution to people through the unique system of our Multi Level Marketing that also creates a profitable and sustainable venture. It not only helps many people restore their health, but also helps them to realize their dreams and achieve financial freedom. GT&F®’s unique formula not only helps to restore our health, but also brings hope and joy to us. When we introduce the products to those who need it most, we will experience immense joy ourselves when the product benefits them. GT&F ® Milk Powder is the most valuable nutrition of life. 1st Step Toward Success MAY 2010
Wealth 3 Health and wealth is everyone’s dream, GTF can help you realise this dream through a very simple method. 1st Step Toward Success MAY 2010
Happiness 4 Wealth is desired by almost everyone. Through GTF you can gain wealth and happiness. 1st Step Toward Success MAY 2010
If you really want to do something, you will find a way. Otherwise, you will give excuses! MAY 2010
Marketing Strategy Simple Easy to do Stable & Sustainable Fast to Duplicate 1st Step Toward Success MAY 2010
1.1 Group Bonus (20%) Active D-L (15%) a (1+5) x ≥ 100BV (5%) b (1+5) x ≥ 200BV (15%) 1.3 Performance Bonus (15%) 2.1 Distributor Development Bonus - 100BV(60%) 2.2 Leadership Development Bonus - 840BV (60%) Service Center (10%) Marketing Plan st Step Toward Success MAY 2010
U U A A U U A A B B C C U U A A B B C C D D E E ≥ 5,000BV ≥ 2,500BV ≥ 1,000BV ≥ 100BV 1. You need to maintain your monthly personal sales of minimum 100BV 2. Group sales are accumulated without any fixed period of time. 3. Once promoted, there will be no demotion in rank as well as bonus level Status Direct Downline Sponsorship Accumulated Group Sales 1.1 Group Bonus 20% 1st Step Toward Success MAY 2010
U U A A B B C C D D E E (1+5) x ≥100BV U U A A B B C C D D E E + 5% + 15% Every month have direct downlines; Each of the downline maintains 100BV BRONZE MANAGER MANAGER 1.2 Five Active D-L 15% (1+5) x ≥200BV Every month have direct downlines; Each of the downline maintains 200BV 1. You need to maintain your monthly personal sales of minimum 100BV 2. You are entitled to claim 5% bonus of your downlines for unlimited levels until you are blocked by a downline who also has the same level as you 3. Your own personal sales cannot be calculated under this 5% bonus. 1. You need to maintain your monthly personal sales of minimum 200BV 2. You are entitled to claim 15% bonus of your downlines for unlimited levels until you are blocked by a downline who also has the same level as you 3. You are entitled to claim 10% bonus of your downlines (who has 5 active downlines with 100BV) 4. Your own personal sales cannot be calculated under this 15% bonus. 1st Step Toward Success MAY 2010
1. You need to maintain your monthly personal sales of minimum 200BV. 2. All calculations on LDB are based on monthly performance. 3. You are entitled to claim all overridding bonus on your downlines for unlimited levels until you are blocked by a downline who also has the same level as you. 4. You must at least be a manager in order to qualify for the above bonus Level Direct Qualified Manager U U 840 U U U U U U U U Bronze Manager (25%) Silver Manager (30%) Gold Manager (33%) Ruby Manager (33%) Diamond Manager (35%) 1.3 Performance Bonus 15% 1st Step Toward Success MAY 2010
Roll up1 st Block2 nd Block 10% 5% 10% 5% 10% 5% 10% 5% 10% 5% 10%3%2% 1. You need to maintain your monthly personal sales of minimum 100BV. 2. Under DDB, calculations at all levels are based on 100BV of personal sales. 3. Those who have total BV which is greater than 100BV, the balance shall be transferred to LDB for calculation. 4. Based on your number of qualified direct downline of the month 5. Those who have total BV which is below 100BV, the total BV will be compressed to the next qualified up-line. 6. Double block Dynamic Compress System U U U U U U 1 1 U U U U Number of Qualified Direct D-L (100BV) Uni-Level Bonus (45%) Qualified Level (Dynamic Compress System) (100BV) Roll-up Bonus (10%) Blocking Bonus (5%) Unlimited Level 2.1 Distributor Development Bonus (DDB) 60% 1st Step Toward Success MAY 2010
U U 840 U U U U Diamond Manager Ruby Manager 1. You need to maintain your monthly personal sales of minimum 200BV and minimum PGBV of 840BV to be qualified for LDB 2. Double block Compress System 3. Minimum guarantee for upline of 840BV Manager Level Direct Bonus Roll-up Bonus Unlimited Level 1 st Block 2 nd Block LDB 840BV Silver Manager Bronze Manager Gold Manager U U 840 U U 10% 20% 30% 40%5% 2.2 Leadership Development Bonus (LDB) 60% 1st Step Toward Success MAY 2010
Achievement Level 领袖级位 BonusDiamondCrown Royal Crown Ambassador Diamond Manager (5 x BM) 2.0% Crown Manager (5 x DM) 1.5% Royal Crown Manager (3 x CM) 1.0% Crown Ambassador (5 x CM) 0.5% 1. Calculated base on total sales (BV) of company for the whole month. 2. You need to maintain your monthly personal sales of minimum 200BV 3. Calculated based on monthly LDB performances. 4. The reward will be distributed annually based on the accumulated monthly calculation DM BM C C DM RC CCC CA CCCCC 3. Annual Bonus & Convention (ABC) 5% 1st Step Toward Success MAY 2010
GPB 5 DL (1+5) x ≥200BV 240BV x 25% 5 x 240BV x (25% - 5%) 5 x 240BV x 15% = RM60.00 = RM = RM DDB (1 st Level) DDB (Roll up) 5 x 100BV x 10% = RM50.00 TOTAL= RM You will receive : U DECBA You will be promoted to Bronze Manager, GPB = 25% A,B,D,E and E are considered as active Distributors, GPB = 5% 1st Step Toward Success MAY 2010 (1+5) x ≥ 200BV 240BV
U U U U 5 5 U U U U U U U U RM670 RM580 RM952 RM1, RM1, RM1,774 Diamond Ruby Gold Silver Bronze 1st Step Toward Success MAY 2010
LevelNo. of DownlinesTotal Income 1 st Level 5RM580 2 nd Level 25RM1,774 3 rd Level 125RM8,904 4 th Level 625RM16,154 5 th Level 3,125RM53,654 6 th Level 15,625RM131,779 7 th Level 78,125RM522,404 1st Step Toward Success MAY 2010
Dare to Dream, Plan your Strategy, Take the Challenges, Be Determined and Persistent 16,154 53, , , ,125 15,625 78, ,774 8,904 Hard work Reward 1st Step Toward Success MAY 2010
Purchase 2 boxes of any GT&F products and get Cash Discount on the spot! ® 1st Step Toward Success MAY 2010
(PV May until PV December) May of December of 。 2 boxes GT&F® Milk Powder 2 。 2 boxes GT&F® Nutricap 3 。 1 box GT&F® Milk Powder & 1 box GT&F® Nutricap 4 。 2 boxes GT&F® NutriCARE RM12.00 RM10.00 Promotion Period 1st Step Toward Success MAY 2010
GTF Marketing Plan Summary 1st Step Toward Success MAY Active D-L (1+5) x ≥ 100BV 5 Active D-L (1+5) x ≥ 200BV + 5% + 15% DDB (100BV)
1st Step Toward Success MAY 2010 DDB (100BV)
1st Step Toward Success MAY 2010