CIERA Community Initiative for Emissions Research and Applications Outline for this Briefing Motivation for CIERA Summary of First Workshop Next Steps for CIERA Invitation to Community Gregory Frost NOAA/ESRL & Univ. Colorado/CIRES, Boulder, Colorado Stefan Falke Northrop Grumman & Washington Univ., St. Louis, Missouri Claire Granier Université Pierre et Marie Curie/LATMOS, Paris, France NOAA/ESRL & Univ. Colorado/CIRES, Boulder, Colorado Terry Keating EPA/OAR, Washington, DC Jean-François Lamarque NCAR/ACD & CGD, Boulder, Colorado Paulette Middleton Panorama Pathways, Boulder, Colorado Gabrielle Pétron NOAA/ESRL & Univ. Colorado/CIRES, Boulder, Colorado Steven J. Smith DOE/PNNL & Univ. Maryland/JGCRI, College Park, Maryland …and many others involved in CIERA CIERA, Federation of Earth Science Information Partners Winter Conference 2010, Washington, DC
Motivation for CIERA Quantitative emission information is needed for: Accounting for the past Observing and calculating the present Predicting and projecting the future Taking action for mitigation, adaptation, etc. Making choices: Which “knob” to turn? Is one better than the other? Actions and decisions about the atmosphere focus on emissions Slide courtesy of A.R. Ravishankara CIERA, Federation of Earth Science Information Partners Winter Conference 2010, Washington, DC
RegulationResearch Inventories RegulationResearch Observations Air Quality Climate Models Evaluations Motivation for CIERA How can the community work together to optimize the emission system for the US and the world? Understand these different needs Build on what is already being done Create new knowledge through collaboration Emission information serves many purposes Regulation Research Atmospheric composition Climate change Initialization for predictions Baselines for projections Approaches to understanding emissions should fit these needs Different needs result in different approaches CIERA, Federation of Earth Science Information Partners Winter Conference 2010, Washington, DC
First Workshop - 4 December 2009, Boulder, Colorado Participants Government US EPA DOE NASA NOAA Academic Colorado Illinois Iowa NCAR Purdue Washington/ St Louis Private Sector Northrop Grumman Panorama Pathways Participants Government US EPA DOE NASA NOAA Academic Colorado Illinois Iowa NCAR Purdue Washington/ St Louis Private Sector Northrop Grumman Panorama Pathways CIERA, Federation of Earth Science Information Partners Winter Conference 2010, Washington, DC Workshop Goals Begin conversation about emission needs of research community Provide overview of some US emission inventory development efforts Identify evaluation approaches using observations and modeling Develop plans to carry out such evaluations Sketch an open research emissions system Workshop Goals Begin conversation about emission needs of research community Provide overview of some US emission inventory development efforts Identify evaluation approaches using observations and modeling Develop plans to carry out such evaluations Sketch an open research emissions system Presentation Topics Inventory development Emission scenarios Observations for inventory evaluation Model emission needs and approaches Emission data access & evaluation tools Presentation Topics Inventory development Emission scenarios Observations for inventory evaluation Model emission needs and approaches Emission data access & evaluation tools
Some Themes from First Workshop Discussions Needs Coordinate between inventory development, observations, & modeling Standardize emissions nomenclature and categorization schemes Move beyond ad-hoc emissions evaluations Recognize connections between emissions relevant to air quality & climate Provide more timely inventory data on national & global scales Make inventory information more transparent Improve data access & analysis through IT solutions Objectives Start with existing data sets and systems: we know a lot already! Facilitate comparisons of inventories, observations, & models on multiple spatial-temporal scales Build stronger feedback process between these disciplines Provide link between air quality & climate communities Connect US and international emission programs CIERA, Federation of Earth Science Information Partners Winter Conference 2010, Washington, DC
Next Steps for CIERA Shorter term Solicit community involvement: s, conference briefings Develop web presence and set up listserv Form working groups Write multi-agency white paper Build links between existing emission portals Longer term Develop open, multi-scale, air quality & climate emissions system Underlying driver data State/national/regional/global inventories Historical emissions Data documentation and provenance Observational data for evaluation Data manipulation, analysis, and visualization tools Links to other data providers Evaluate emission data sets Run models with evaluated emission data and assess impacts Demonstrate CIERA produces key input for research & regulatory purposes Build stronger feedbacks between research & regulatory communities Establish CIERA as a sustainable program CIERA, Federation of Earth Science Information Partners Winter Conference 2010, Washington, DC
Invitation to the Community CIERA, Federation of Earth Science Information Partners Winter Conference 2010, Washington, DC CIERA is a community effort, and its success will depend on the community’s participation What You Can Do Contact CIERA Join CIERA listserv when active Tell others about CIERA Propose and join CIERA working groups Contribute data to the CIERA system Use the CIERA system What You Can Do Contact CIERA Join CIERA listserv when active Tell others about CIERA Propose and join CIERA working groups Contribute data to the CIERA system Use the CIERA system CIERA Contacts Greg Frost Stefan Falke Claire Granier Terry Keating Jean-François Lamarque Paulette Middleton Gabrielle Pétron Steve Smith CIERA Contacts Greg Frost Stefan Falke Claire Granier Terry Keating Jean-François Lamarque Paulette Middleton Gabrielle Pétron Steve Smith