Mary Rose S Tigulo AET 560 July 20, 2015 Melanie Latin
Change Management Objectives Align leadership and buy in commitment Mitigate resistance to change Develop communications distribution Manage changes Sustain change efforts
Pre-change Approval Present statistics gathered to top management on impact of missed flights induced by delayed baggage procedures Link changes to Southwest Airlines goal and vision Creating the Need for Change Display posters displaying competitive comparison with other airlines Issue memo on how the ratings affect revenue, productivity and public reaction Mid-stream Change and Milestone Communication Gather feedback from workplace on reactions to change Communicate frequently on the impact of change and its progress. Provide employees avenue on websites and online surveys Confirming Change Effectiveness Celebrate benchmark successes
Tools Use the corporate website to communicate change in procedure to external and internal stakeholders Use memos from top management to distribute information to the targeted audience Management Effectiveness Create an open door policy for suggestions on how to improve programs to engage all employees Communications should be delivered frequently and timely Review Implement an efficient process allowing time for review and approval for timely distribution of relevant information
Change Website Communicate progress about Southwest Airlines “All In” Campaign in website Electronic Bulletin Boards Communicate successes of “All In” Campaign by featuring standout employees Online Surveys Encourage customers participate in short mobile surveys Design approved formats to internal and external stakeholders to uniformly address developments and concerns
Mitigation Strategy Rumor Mills Regular updates through s and through department leads Open lines of communication between workers and managers Reactions Managers need to communicate and reinforce the long term advantages of change Assess change management by conducting assessments of readiness
Effective Feedback SurveyFocus groups One on one communication Direct Interaction
Effective communication plans are important in ◦ Mitigating the effects of rumors ◦ Mobilizing support from the top and also from all levels to the change ◦ Sustaining the excitement and commitment
Cawsey, T., Deszca, G., & Ingols, C. (2012). Organizational change An action- oriented toolkit (2nd ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.