ELI This is your last chance to register for ELI. It is required for this class. Not doing ELI will result in a loss of participation points and points on your project. DO IT NOW.
QUICK NOTE ABOUT I am all for informal communication but please try and do the following. It helps me address your concerns quicker. s should have the following: A greeting (this isn’t necessary, but it’s nice) Your section Try and use sentences (I text, but sometimes y’all are just confusing) Do your best to provide context Sign your s
AGENDA Discuss Readings How to peer review Last minute ELI stuff Paper 1 Proposal Compose proposal (20 minutes) Do ELI Review
READING DISCUSSION What are your initial thoughts of the Sedaris piece? How was this story introduced? What was the point theme of the story? How did it end? Is this a literacy memoir?
READING DISCUSSION What are your thoughts about “Mother Tongue?” After reading do you have different thoughts about verbal literacy? Given the point of the essay, how do you feel about Tan’s writing? What is the theme? Is this a literacy memoir?
HOW TO PEER REVIEW (LITE) We are going to do a more in-depth discussion of peer review with our first paper, but first we need to understand the basics. What is peer review?
WHAT I WANT TO AVOID Comments that focus on grammar & language Peer review deals with rough drafts; ideas are important not commas Language and grammar are worth the least Most comments are superficial I am glad that you like stuff, but why?
BRAINSTORM How can we give better comments?
FOR TODAY I want you to do your best to give comments that focus on ideas. Your goal today is give feedback that leads to a better idea for paper 1. You can do that by Giving feedback on scope of the idea Giving feedback on the examples (does the paper need more examples, do some examples need to be extrapolated, do some examples seem out of place) Does the memoir have a theme? Is it a memoir?
ELI Go to Make sure that you are in the correct section Find the “Writing Task” and complete it (20-30 minutes)
PROPOSAL PROMPT Your writing task for today is to write a proposal for your first paper--the literacy memoir. Your goal is to provide enough information that your classmates can understand your paper and examples in order to give you advice. Here is a list of things that should be included in your proposal. What your literacy is How you learned it The length of time it has been part of your life 2-5 important examples of how you learned it Your theme or purpose How you plan to tell it (organization) This is going to take some time to write. You might not have all the answers but do your best to give as much information as you can. You want to be specific so that you can get as much quality feedback as you can.
ELI REVIEW Now that we have content we are going to review each others work. (30 mins.) Remember, you are looking to comment on content not on language or grammar. Try and focus on the areas that you need to include in your proposal: What your literacy is How you learned it The length of time it has been part of your life 2-5 important examples of how you learned it Your theme or purpose How you plan to tell it (organization) Do they do these things well? Did they forget something? Help them flesh out their idea. Give them ideas!
HOMEWORK For Wednesday you need to have the readings done. Again, we will have a class discussion and activity based on the readings. The readings are found in the reading tab: The Dilemma of Grading Legitimate Peripheral Participation Also you can get started on your paper…if you want. It’s due the 17 th.