February 13 & 18, 2015
Get the office involved in helping to find tasks Take out to the other offices for “field trips” – meetings, network with others Have students provide perspective on projects ◦ Increases understanding of value of work Last 10 minutes of day: use for going over impact of the day Industry/research articles – have students prepare summaries of topics that you’ve been “wanting to get to” Set aside a student folder with a backlog of work that’s not time sensitive Explore other Microsoft systems Practice typing
Reading/Learning about organization Think about personality when deciding on tasks ◦ Back paperwork ◦ Prepare folders/documents ◦ Events preparation and clean-up ◦ Computer work Organize files – areas of office with “stuff that’s been around for a long time” HFA online typing practice and working on work study PowerPoint assignment
“Just Do It” – teens are used to being critiqued, but their memories are short! ◦ Remember positive reinforcement, particularly when it’s an improvement in response to your correction Be direct in coaching on body language and behavior Weekly meeting with the people the student work with to get input Short talk at the end of the day
Ask them for feedback in return … “if there was one thing that we could change….” Have fun conversations to have them be comfortable with you Do not overthink Set the expectations – no surprises
Get work that interests students Show the value of the work Positive feedback telling them what they have done well Continually overview of work (quality feedbacks) Adjust work to student level/interest Before they start the task, brainstorm on what “a good job” looks like – have student help to describe a well-done task. Write bullets on whiteboard or paper. Use them as an early check and final quality check
Have student take notes and run them by the supervisor Help them understand the importance of the work “No job is too small” – for you or for them! Give them their own “quality check” ◦ Ex: after scanning, give them 3 electronic files to go find … similar for manual filing ◦ Give them a break between completion of task and quality check
Make students aware of the time required to do the task Tom – provides watches for each student because “time is important in a business setting” Give students a list of tasks to be completed in a certain time frame Outline task on an index card, give to student – task is not complete until index card returned (this may help alleviate students who don’t report back after finishing a task) If they’re going to use PowerPoint, Publisher, Excel, start with something easy & maybe an online tutorial first 8
Have them work alongside college interns Have them work on ongoing or repetitive projects Help them understand why they are doing the tasks – give context! Follow-up and give them recognition for their work. Mix up the tasks to keep it interesting 9
This is hard… don’t feel bad! Ask open-ended questions Make them feel comfortable Establish common grounds/interest Know their likes and interests Get students involved in staff meetings if possible Ask what they’re doing at Manchester Craftsmen’s Guild (art classes) … are they going to after-school activities If none of this works … don’t feel bad! 10
Where do they feel comfortable Specific Goals – 2 conversation per day Pair student with seasoned presenter Need someone with specific skills about interactions Building exercises 11
Administrative Events/special projects Templates Soft skills and professionalism focused tasks Eating lunch with staff Rotating departments and mentors Business letters/Excel Professional address/correcting spelling and grammar mistakes Data entry Project (small) that students can handle from start to finish, because they take pride in the project being their own work Copying, scanning, composing s/memos Filing documents 12