1 Update on Freeze Resistant Stock Tank Savings November, 2003.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Update on Freeze Resistant Stock Tank Savings November, 2003

2 Background Prior RTF meeting adopted “Freeze Resistant Stock Tanks” as new measure eligible for C&R Discount Directed staff to develop savings estimates for all heating zones using OTEC metered data as “base” Directed staff to develop measure “specifications” with OTEC assistance.

3 Adjustment of Partial Year Metered Use to Full Year Use MonthMetered Days “Full Season Days Adjusted Incremental Use (kWh/day) Use (kWh) Cumulative Use (kWh) % of Total November % December % January % February ,01417% March ,13411% Total %

4 Adjustment of OTEC Metered Use Data to Other Heating Zones – Step 1 Mean Monthly Temperatures LocationNOVDECJANFEBMARAverage PDX SEA BOI SPK MIS Metered

5 Adjustment of OTEC Metered Use Data to Other Heating Zones – Step 2 LocationAverage Nov-March Temp. Relative to Metered Location Savings PDX134%820 SEA136%808 BOI101%1090 SPK104%1056 MIS75%1476 Metered100%1100

6 Proposed Savings & Credit by Zone ZoneAnnual Savings (kWh) C&R Discount Credit Heating Zone $ 186 Heating Zone $ 228 Heating Zone $ 311

7 Proposed Specifications 1.0 Tanks/Fountains shall be enclosed, fully foam-insulated and completely sealed in impact-resistance polyurethane 2.0 Tanks/Fountains shall have elliptical or flap closures that tip easily so animals can drink without resistance 3.0 Tanks/Fountains shall be sized in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications for the type and number of animals for which it will be used 4.0 Tanks/Fountains closures shall be insulated by foam insulation or dead air space and seal the opening completely 5.0 Tanks/Fountains water supply shall be hard-piped underground and stubbed up into the insulated portion of the fountain 6.0 Tanks/Fountains shall not contain any type of electric heat 7.0 Minimum five-year manufacturer defect warranty