Acids, Bases and Salts HW Vocabulary pH and pOH Calculation pH Practice Problems Ch 20 Practice Problems (13 questions) Aspirin Article Aqueous Acid Base – Titration Lab - Neutralization
HCl H 2 SO 4 H 3 PO 4 HNO 3 CH 3 COOH HF Hydrochloric acid Sulfuric acid Phosphoric acid Nitric acid Acetic acid Hydrofluoric acid stomach acid, pickling metal battery acid, # 1 selling chemical food flavoring fertilizer, explosives vinegar etch glass NaOH Ca(OH) 2 NH 4 OH sodium hydroxide calcium hydroxideammonium hydroxide
pH scale acid neutral base [H + ] = [OH - ] Soren Sorenson developed pH scale pOH = -log [OH - ] k W = [H + ] [OH - ] pH = -log [H + ] pH + pOH = 14 (alkalinity) Arnold Beckman invented the pH meter H + + H 2 O H 3 O + protonhydronium ion k w = 1 x
Concentrated vs. Dilute Concentration: Molarity molality Normality M = mol L m = mol kg H 2 SO 4 2 H 1+ + SO M “6 M”
Strong / Weak Acid Strong HA H + + A - (~100% dissociation) Weak HA H + + A - (~20% dissociation) K a = [Product] [Reactant] acid dissociation constant KaKa 0.8 H 3 PO 4 3H + + PO HF H + + F - H 2 A 2 H + + A - K a = [H + ] 2 [A - ] [H 2 A]
Acid + Base Salt + Water How would you make calcium sulfate in the lab? + CaSO 4 ACID Sour taste, litmus red Arrhenius – H + as only ion in water Bronsted-Lowry – proton donor BASE bitter taste, litmus blue Arrhenius – OH - as only ion in water Bronsted-Lowry – proton acceptor H 2 SO 4 Ca(OH) H 2 O ??
phenolphthalein colorless pink acid baseweak strong bromthymol blue yellow blue acid basestrong universal indicator R O Y G B I V pH litmus paper & pH paper Indicators
Buffers - salts of weak acids and weak bases that maintain a pH LeChatelier’s Principle - acidosis & alkalosis (bicarbonate ion acts as buffer) - darkening glasses - egg shells thinner in summer (warm) e.g. Aspirin (acetyl salicylic acid) vs. Bufferin low pH upsets stomach
Video - Future of the Past Video: The Future of the Past
Acid – Base Concentrations pH = 3 pH = 7 pH = 11 OH - H3O+H3O+ H3O+H3O+ H3O+H3O+ [H 3 O + ] = [OH - ] [H 3 O + ] > [OH - ] [H 3 O + ] < [OH - ] acidic solution neutral solution basic solution concentration (moles/L) Timberlake, Chemistry 7 th Edition, page 332
Amino Acids – Functional Groups AmineCarboxylic AcidBase Pair NH 2 1- R- COOH NH 3 NH 2 1- NH 4 1+ amineammoniaammonium ion N H H H : N H H H H : 1+ N H H : 1- : H+H+ lose H +
Amino Acids – Functional Groups AmineCarboxylic AcidBase Pair NH 2 1- R- COOH O 2- H+H+ H+H+ ++
Water – Amphiprotic H2OH2OOH 1- H 3 O 1+ hydroxidewaterhydronium ion N H H H : N H H H H : 1+ N H H : 1- : H+H+ lose H +
Water – Also Amphiprotic H2OH2OOH 1- H 3 O 1+ hydroxidewaterhydronium ion H+H+ lose H + Amphiprotic – Act as an acid (proton donor) or base (proton acceptor) O 2- H+H+ H+H+ ++
Amino Acids – Functional Groups H2OH2OOH 1- H 3 O 1+ hydroxidewaterhydronium ion H+H+ lose H + Amphiprotic – Act as an acid (proton donor) or base (proton acceptor) O 2- H+H+ H+H+ ++
Range and Color Changes of Some Common Acid-Base Indicators Indicators pH Scale Methyl orange red 3.1 – 4.4 yellow Methyl red red yellow Bromthymol blue yellow blue Neutral red red yellow Phenolphthalein colorless red colorless beyond 13.0
Range and Color Changes of Some Common Acid-Base Indicators Indicators pH Scale Methyl orange red 3.1 – 4.4 yellow Methyl red red yellow Bromthymol blue yellow blue Neutral red red yellow Phenolphthalein colorless red colorless beyond 13.0
pH Paper pH pH pH Paper pH pH pH Paper pH pH pH Paper pH pH
Neutralization of Bug Bites Wasp - stings with base (neutralize with lemon juice or vinegar) Red Ant - bites with acid (neutralize with baking soda)
Resources - Acids and Bases Objectives WorksheetWorksheet - vocabulary Worksheet Worksheet - pH and pOH calculations Worksheet Worksheet - practice problems (key) Worksheet TextbookTextbook - text ?'s chemical equilibrium Textbook Worksheet - weak acid, pK a Article - aspirin Lab - synthesis of aspirin WorksheetWorksheet - aqueous acids and bases titration Worksheet (general) Outline (general) Outline VideoVideo (VHS) - future of the past Video Outline - abcd Worksheet - efg hijk Worksheet - lmnop Worksheet - qrs tuv Worksheet - wx yz Lab - titration
Strength Strong Acid/Base 100% ionized in water strong electrolyte - + HCl HNO 3 H 2 SO 4 HBr HI HClO 4 NaOH KOH Ca(OH) 2 Ba(OH) 2 Courtesy Christy Johannesson
Strength Weak Acid/Base does not ionize completely weak electrolyte - + HF CH 3 COOH H 3 PO 4 H 2 CO 3 HCN NH 3 Courtesy Christy Johannesson
Ionization of Water H 2 O + H 2 O H 3 O + + OH - K w = [H 3 O + ][OH - ] = 1.0 Courtesy Christy Johannesson
Ionization of Water Find the hydroxide ion concentration of 3.0 M HCl. [H 3 O + ][OH - ] = 1.0 [3.0 ][OH - ] = 1.0 [OH - ] = 3.3 M Acidic or basic? Acidic Courtesy Christy Johannesson
pH = -log[H 3 O + ] pH Scale 0 7 INCREASING ACIDITY NEUTRAL INCREASING BASICITY 14 pouvoir hydrogène (Fr.) “hydrogen power” Courtesy Christy Johannesson
pH Scale pH = -log[H 3 O + ] pOH = -log[OH - ] pH + pOH = 14 Courtesy Christy Johannesson
pH Scale What is the pH of M HNO 3 ? pH = -log[H 3 O + ] pH = -log[0.050] pH = 1.3 Acidic or basic? Acidic Courtesy Christy Johannesson
pH Scale What is the molarity of HBr in a solution that has a pOH of 9.6? pH + pOH = 14 pH = 14 pH = 4.4 Acidic pH = -log[H 3 O + ] 4.4 = -log[H 3 O + ] -4.4 = log[H 3 O + ] [H 3 O + ] = 4.0 M HBr Courtesy Christy Johannesson
Resources - Acids and Bases Objectives WorksheetWorksheet - vocabulary Worksheet Worksheet - pH and pOH calculations Worksheet Worksheet - practice problems (key) Worksheet TextbookTextbook - text ?'s chemical equilibrium Textbook Worksheet - weak acid, pK a Article - aspirin Lab - synthesis of aspirin WorksheetWorksheet - aqueous acids and bases titration Worksheet (general) Outline (general) Outline VideoVideo (VHS) - future of the past Video Outline - abcd Worksheet - efg hijk Worksheet - lmnop Worksheet - qrs tuv Worksheet - wx yz Lab - titration
27dFields-Jeff/AcidBase1.htm Aspirin Article Aspirin Article questions
27dFields-Jeff/AcidBase1.htm Aspirin Synthesis Lab
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