Membrane potential Potential difference (voltage) across the cell membrane. In all cells of the body (excitable and non- excitable). Caused by ion concentration differences between intracellular and extracellular fluid.
Membrane potential caused by diffusion of ions 4 mM 140 mM 142 mM 14 mM
Nernst potential ratio of concentrations For each ion proportional to ratio of concentrations inside and outside the cell. Always expressed as extracellular fluid has potential zero, and Nernst potential that from inside the cell. ± 61 log Concentration inside Concentration outside (mV) Nernst equation (37°C, for univalent ions):
Diffusion potential The membrane is permeable to several different ions at the same time! Goldman equation: Em = - 61 log C Na i P Na + C K i P K + C Cl i P Cl (mV) C Na o C Na + C K o P K + C Cl o P Cl (C) Concentration (P) Membrane permeability Em = P K P Na P Cl P tot P tot P tot E eqK + E eqNa + E eqCl
Membrane permeability for K + and Na + (resting state) In resting nerve cells – open potassium ”leak” channels (“tandem pore domain”). 100x more permeable for K + than Na +. outside
Origin of Resting Membrane Potential
Contribution of Na + /K + pump Maintenance of concentration gradients for K + and Na + across cell membranes. Electrogenic: creates additional negativity ~4 mV.
Measurement of membrane potential
Nerve Action Potential Voltage-gated Na + channels 1.Voltage gated K + channels 2.K + leak channels 3.Na + /K + pump
Voltage-gated Na + and K + channels
Action Potential
Role of Ca 2+ c(Ca i )=10 -7 mol/l c(Ca o )= mol/l Strong concentration gradient ( fold concentration difference) In resting state, permeability for Ca 2+ negligable. voltage-gated Ca 2+ channels In heart cells, voltage-gated Ca 2+ channels participate in action potential (plateau).
Action potential with plateau (heart)
Initiation of action potentials depolarization Action potentials will not discharge until there is appropriate stimulus – depolarization. Exception – spontaneous rhythmicity. Stimulus can be mechanical (mechanoreceptors), chemical (neurotransmitters) or electrical (heart muscle). Positive feedback opens more and more Na+ channels.
Initiation of action potentials Acute local potentials” “Acute local potentials” must reach threshold for eliciting AP “all or nothing” phenomenon.
Refractory Period relative Period of decreased excitability (relative r.p.) or complete inexcitability (absolute r.p.)during and after action potential. mV
Rhythmicity of Excitable Tissues Repeated spontaneous rhythmical discharges (no outside stimulus). Heart (SA-node rhythmic activity), intestinal smooth muscle (perystalsis) i CNS (breathing pace-maker). Other excitable tissues can spontaneously discharge if threshold is lowered.
Spontaneous rhythmicity Resting membrane potential -60 do -70 mV (close to threshold) activation Na + and Ca 2+ channels. Depolarizationa activates slow K + channels repolarization i hyperpolarization.
Propagation of action potentials
Myelinated nerve fibers Myelin sheath: Insulation Decreases membrane capacity every 1-2 mm along axon myelin sheath is interrupted prekid mijelinske ovojnice Ranvier nodes 2-3 μm in length.
Saltatory conduction Action potential are generated only in nodes of Ranvier energy saving and faster conduction (100 m/s). Non-myelinated fibers conduction velocity 0,25 m/s.