Frequency Response Instructor: Chia-Ming Tsai Electronics Engineering National Chiao Tung University Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Contents Introduction Transfer Function The Decibel Scale Bode Plots Series Resonance Parallel Rosonance Passive Filters Active Filters Applications
Introduction Analysis with a constant frequency is already learned. To obtain the frequency response –Keep the amplitude and the phase of the sinusoidal source constant (amplitude=1, phase=0) –Sweep the frequency from a starting frequency to a stop frequency –Plot the amplitude and the phase of the desired voltage or current versus frequency
Transfer Function The transfer function H( ) can be expressed as Zeros: the roots of N( )=0 Poles: the roots of D( )=0
Example 1 Phasor domain Time domain
Example 2
Example 3
The Thought of Bode Plots It is quite difficult to handle the plotting of the transfer function in a linear scale. If the transfer function is transformed to a logarithmic scale, then the plotting becomes much more easy.
The Decibel (dB) Scale
Bode Plots
Steps to construct a Bode plot: –Plot each factor separately –Additively combine all of them graphically because of the logarithms involved The mathematical convenience of the logarithm makes the Bode plots a powerful tool Straight-line plots used instead of actual plots
Bode Plots: A Gain K
Bode Plots: Zero/Pole at Origin
Bode Plots: Simple Zero 20 dB/decade
Bode Plots: Simple Pole -20 dB/decade -45 /decade
Bode Plots: Quadratic Pole
Bode Plots: Quadratic Zero
Example 1
Example 1 (Cont’d)
Example 2
Example 2 (Cont’d)
Example 3
Example 3 (Cont’d)
Series Resonance
When Resonance Occurs 1.The impedance is purely resistive. The LC series combination acts like a short circuit. 2.The voltage and the current are in phase, so the power factor is unity. 3.The impedance Z( ) is minimum. 4.The voltage across L and C can be much larger than the source voltage.
Half-Power Frequencies
Quality Factor: Q
Summary Voltage across L and C QV m
Parallel Resonance
When Resonance Occurs 1.The impedance is purely resistive. The LC parallel combination acts like an open circuit. 2.The voltage and the current are in phase, so the power factor is unity. 3.The admittance Y( ) is minimum. 4.The current flowing through L and C can be much larger than the source current.
Comparisons Series circuit Parallel circuit
Passive Filters Lowpass Highpass Bandpass Bandstop
Lowpass Filter
Highpass Filter
Bandpass Filter B
Bandstop Filter rejection frequency B
Active Filters A general 1st-order active filter Active 1st-order lowpass filter
Active 1st-Order Highpass Filter
Active Bandpass Filter
Bandreject (or Notch) Filter
Applications: Radio Receiver 2055 kHz rejected 2055 kHz
Touch-Tone Telephone (1/2)
Touch-Tone Telephone (2/2)
Crossover Network (Lowpass) (Highpass)