start You will see 10 multiple-choice questions - you have 25 seconds to make up your mind which is the correct answer. Get ready! resume X X X X Answer the questions! Before it is too late! You have 25 seconds to work out the correct answer! Get your answer ready!
A B C D 1 What term is typically used to describe the British General Election system? undo First past the post Open list system Single transferable vote Additional member system
What term is typically used to describe the British General Election system? First past the postOpen list systemSingle transferable voteAdditional member system In UK General Elections the type of system used is best described as …. A simple plurality systemProportionally representativeA hybrid systemMajoritarian system When an election for an MP takes place outside the normal cycle of elections this is called…. A by-electionLandslide electionLocal electionSwing election What term is used to explain why a number of the electorate decide not to vote? Voter apathyTactical votingPostal votingAbsentee voting Turnout is best described as ….The number of people who actually cast a vote The number of people who vote for a specific political party The number of people who use a postal vote The number of people who decide not to vote Which of the following is correct?General elections are held on a fixed term period General elections must be held within a five year period General elections are held at the discretion of the prime minister General elections are held at the discretion of the monarch Proportional representation is an electoral system in which….The distribution of seats corresponds with the proportion of votes cast for each party The winner takes allA quota must be reachedAn elector has two votes Which of the following IS NOT used in the UK for an election?Open List SystemAdditional Member SystemSupplementary VoteSingle Transferable Vote At a general election voters are choosing ?An MPA Local CouncillorAn MEPA Mayor Which of the following is an advantage of FPTP?There is little chance of extremist parties being elected Smaller political parties are treated fairly There is a proportional relationship between the number of votes cast and the seats It encourages tactical voting QuestionCorrectWrong 1Wrong 2Wrong 3 22 Teacher Instructions: Preparation: Note: This file requires ‘macros’ to be enabled when opened for the quiz to work. Ensure that you have a method for determining how the students answer the multiple choice questions. This may be through using mini-whiteboards (where students write A, B, C or D) or by creating cards for answers A, B, C or D and handing out to students. If you wish to run this as a team competition, split your class into (up to) 5 teams (and assign each team a colour – blue, red, green, purple or orange). Running the quiz: 1.Run the slideshow from slide 1. Explain the purpose of the activity by clicking on the ‘?’ button and revealing the nature of the quiz. Return to slide 1 by clicking on the home button. 2.Click on ‘Start’. The first question with four possible answers appears on the screen. Read out the question and possible answers. After 25 seconds the ‘Reveal’ button arrives. 3.Ask to see the answers given by the students/teams. Click on the ‘Reveal’ button to reveal the correct answer. 4.Alter the team scores by clicking on the coloured score buttons. 5.Click on the ‘Next’ button to move on to the next question. 6.Repeat this until all 10 questions have been asked.
The aim of the ‘Ballot Box Quiz’ is for your team to score the highest points. You score points by getting the correct answer to the 10 questions that have been set. You have 25 seconds to read the question and decide which answer is correct. Your teacher will then ask you to declare your answer!