Manfred Fleischer, DESY,
HERA/H1 in 1985 (annual report)
- studied physics in Hamburg (started in 1984) - two excited professors in 1985: - Erich Lohrman: „Ich habe heute in meinem Büro Musik gehört! Die HERA Tunnelbohrmaschine ist unter meinem Büro durchgekommen.“ - Hans Duhm: „Ich möchte ihnen heute einmal das HERA Projekt vorstellen“ (in the remaining 20 min of a lecture) - since 1989 on DESY campus: start of diploma thesis on BEMC calibration - Begin of January 1990: excited vistors of the BEMC Group Eisele, Feltesse and Oberlack Uni HH (just 500 m away!) Message: The BEMC is definitely the most important component of the first years of H1 data taking. complete redesign! But no increase of funding (1 Mio DM) heavy work testbeam in June 1990 very good cooperation with colleagues from Czechoslovakia (!) transition to FH1K
After Diploma: PhD Thesis as DESY student PostDoc at DESY (securing BEMC running till end of 1994) Calorimeter Coordination (MPI, charged to calo costs) Switched to Dortmund (Calo+RACO) TC Deputy (to Phil Biddulph) Upgrade Coordination Switch to … DESY directorate Education in H1 and training on the job have opened for many young scientists a carreer path! H1 was very successful in this! We urgently need statistics about this! It is THE asset of working in HEP! We need these arguments to secure Future funding – increasingly important Do not use – personal guess „MC“
As planned by the collaboration displayed for computing: Plan in 2008: „finish all analyses within 5 years“ H1 is like a marathon runner: economical in costs, but steadily moving (I hope the move to the bird cluster is accomplished.)
Data access + data preservation Continue Open Lab: Visits / Short term invitations possible and wellcome Main ingredients: Interest, priorities on topics, endurance Basis layed down as new agreement (to supersede the old one) Signed agreements so far arrived from: ANTW, BIRM, HDB1, JINR, MARS, ORSA, RAL, PODG, PRG2, SACL, ULBA, YERE, ZUER, ZUTH Feedback missing from: AAC1, BRUX, BUCH, CRAC, DORT, ECPL, KOSI, LANC, LIVE, QMWC, MEX1, ITEP, LPI, PRG1, SOFI, WUPP Late mailing: HAM2, INFN, MPIM
* Accelerators * Detectors * Physics ILC LHC HERA + support through strong theory group + computing infrastructure + testbeam & other infrastructures >Use of DESY infrastructure for particle physics e.g. ALPS, OLYMPUS, Belle II, LHC upgrades … >Strategic role of DESY as national funded laboratory for particle physics
Det. + Acc. R&D
H1 has been a very successful experiment good detector + upgrades good technical and adminstrative staff good spirit in the collaboration good collaboration management good training bed for young scientists good opportunities for personal development rich harvest – thanks to all scientists! … and still ongoing