Thursday, October 2,
Jack’s Key Messages Designing effective and timely communications to educate and create awareness (internal & external) Actively seeking to redefine expectations of the CBO’s role. Aligning the expectations with performance. Creating a Corporate awareness of the CBO’s staff as a partner in seeking solutions Championing the ideal of the CBO role as an active support and advisory advantage for the municipalities customers Effective Situational Communication for the CBO & staff Partnering with Council for awareness, understanding and support – beginning with an orientation
Every situation requires a different type of response! Situational Communication focusses on a shared solution. If you wish to make an enemy of someone … simply tell them they are wrong. This method works every time! Mark Twain
Our Challenges Each of our clients has a different perception / expectation of the role we “Should” perform: The Mayor & Council Taxpayers / citizens Providers & Suppliers (builders, Real Estate, etc.) Other Municipal Departments / Colleagues Other Municipalities The Province Legislative and Regulatory expectations CBO performance expectations – sustain / improve How do we make all customers aware of our partnership / solution providing role How do we make all customers aware of our partnership / solution providing role?
Our Challenges How do we capture and develop the CBO role within the entire Corporation (Municipality) and with the taxpayers? Orientation Cross-functional awareness Learning lunches Partnering Council Presentations Community Brainstorming Clarity and consistency in role descriptions Do we need to apply different leadership skills in different situation Do we need to apply different leadership skills in different situation?
Our Shared Service Accountability
Mayor & Council Collaboration of ALL Organizational components – focused on the same solution! Entire Municipal Organization Corporation Leadership Team CBO & Building Services Team
Each and every day we represent our Municipalities, our Town’s, Cities, Townships and Districts and every one of our colleagues and staff. We are accountable to every client (Council – Taxpayers – Providers & Suppliers) - our external customers … and every team mate / colleague working for our Corporation (internal customers). This is not simply a job – it is a Civic Business Expectation that we must perform superbly – every day – In Collaboration. SERVICE DELIVERY IS YOUR ONLY COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE!!!! ACCOUNTABILITY & REPRESENTATION
to our Customers / Clients / Citizens / Council /Selves to our Organization (OBOA) – Pride & Professionalism (not just a job) all to each other (all) – “painted with the same brush” Statutory obligations to our commitment to be consistent in how all of us provide solutions and explanations To constantly collaborate (like networking during this conference!) CBOs - OUR SHARED ACCOUNTABILITIES CBOs - OUR SHARED ACCOUNTABILITIES
CBO Performance is enhanced when we are recognized as a critical part of the solution – and not a barrier to development!
The Most Vital Awareness Component Communication
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, People will forget what you did, But people will never forget how you made them feel”. Maya Angelou ALL-WAY COMMUNICATION
all stake holders. “All-Way Communication ensures that our Organization has a definitive competitive advantage through open and timely collaboration with all stake holders. To move to All-Way Communication is a progressive move to continuous performance improvement and effective Municipal Service Delivery.” Jack Grosvenor ALL-WAY COMMUNICATION
Timely ValidationConsistentEngaging CaringTransparentAccurate Move from “me” to “WE” ProfessionalInnovative Unconditional Trust“one-stop-shop” Energy PassionCourtesyPride Engagement RepresentativeIntegrityGet Desired Results StrategicCollaborative Progressive CBO Service Delivery Competency List
Meeting Client Expectations Delivering Superior Service Delivery Results
As Municipal Service Providers … how can we meet the demands of our customers? Patience Stop-Challenge-Choose Knowledge of our policies, bylaws and values Skill to defuse a challenging situation Deal with the problem not the person Interjurisdictional involvement and networking
And a few more …… Interactive communication – let people know you hear their point Know where support and information is (internal, external and CBO networking) Own the timely solution - accountability results Know that success is measured by results – not merely performance! Engagement with Involvement
And a few more …… Follow–up – Follow-up – Follow-up – be accountable to bring all questions, concerns and complaints to collaborative closure. Share your successful solutions with all Municipal staff and the OBOA!!!! Organizational learning!
1. Almost 50% of our customers prefer internet to phone engagement. 2. The main satisfaction driver is still timeliness 3. Service Delivery is the key component of every team member and leader in your organization. There is absolutely nothing more important. 4. Customer Awareness is a huge part of delivering customer service! 5. All of our customers are vastly different! Builders & Developers look at solutions much differently than The Mayor & Council! REMEMBER
6. As CBO’s and Building Regulation practitioners we must know how to deal with different customers … DIFFERENTLY! 7. Engagement and Involvement are your first two vital Customer Service skills. 8. Validation – Validation – Validation. 9. To be the best Municipal Service Delivery provider … the move from “me” to “WE” is imperative … TEAM.
The CBO Role relies on our Task & Trust & Regulatory competencies. We need to educate, communicate, demonstrate and deliver amazing customer service to all stakeholders to establish the recognition and support we need to perform our role superbly!