MU – Transition of Care and Patient Education Where to click.
MAQDash – MU Menu
MAQDash – Patient Education
Adam (eCW and Portal) Health Wise (eCW only, but coming for the Portal) Shared Hard Drive – Upload PDF’s, Documents, Etc. Individual Local Computer Print to PDF and Send an eMessage with Information (Gives numerator credit, but sent electronically) Order Sets Patient Education
Patient Education Button
Medication Ordered then a Patient Education Sheet is Available Just click on the medication, view the sheet, and print the page. This will count in your MU numerator. Anytime a medication is ordered the patient counts in the denominator. You can also print custom education sheets using a local disk that you store forms on, your own local computer, or through Adam or Healthwise paid subscriptions.
Screenshot with Meds Ordered
MAQDash – Transition of Care
Includes: Patient Provider is Referring to a Specialist Sending Patient from the Office Visit to the ER Pre-Op – when specialist is sending patient to you for clearance Follow-Up from Urgent Care / ER / Specialist MD, NP, PA, PT, OT, ST and others that provide care / orders Transition of Care – Who? When?