Partners in improving local health Slide 1 South Tees Access & Response (STAR) Scheme
Partners in improving local health Background Majority of Middlesbrough’s population lives in the most deprived 20% of wards High long-term unemployment; smoking, obesity, drug misuse, self- harm, STIs, teen pregnancy. Early deaths from smoking, cancer, heart disease and stroke… Slide 2 South Tees CCG Population: 291,943 General practice: 47
Partners in improving local health Background 4th highest user of emergency services 185 emergency admissions/1000 patients (England average = 96/1000) Highest rate of hospitals admissions for self-harm Slide 3 OOH provider Walk-in centres x 2 Minor injuries units x 3 Community hospitals Large tertiary university hospital, trauma centre
Partners in improving local health The STAR scheme A simple, accessible, high quality urgent care service with a person- centred approach that promotes self-care and supports OOH community care services. Development of a fully integrated, 24/7, seamless urgent care provision. GP-led. Slide 4
Partners in improving local health The STAR scheme Slide 5 Patient Access Weekdays Weekends BH Led by GPs Support MIU, Community matrons, Rapid Response, Care Homes, Ambulance, AAU Via 111 service Community STAR Hubs IT Integration SystmOne OOH Module Medical Interoperability Gateway (MIG) Supported by NECS IT Team Web based consultation
Partners in improving local health The STAR Model Slide 6