A Project Work by Cosimo Cannata 2006 A Taste of America
Cosimo Cannata2 In this lesson you will learn about… America as an English-speaking countryEnglish-speaking country Origins of American societyAmerican society Americans and Puritans American Independence and new role of the United States of America An American identity American 19th century culture American “Renaissance”
Cosimo Cannata3 The Making of the American identity The colonial experience had a great role Most people left England to create a new society, the “City of God”, an utopian dream The Puritans encouraged the writing of sermons, pamphlets, personal diaries The American mind was influenced by the ideas of the Enlightment: exalted faith in reason, human progress, and self-confidence
Cosimo Cannata4 Some historical facts… First English colonial setting in North America, Jamestown, Virginia, 1607 The Pilgrim Fathers, Massachussets, They formed a group of Anglican Dissenters escaping from James I’s absolutismPilgrim Fathers Boston Tea Party, 1773 and war with Great Britain Boston Tea Party American Declaration of Independence, 4 July 1776 American Declaration of Independence American Civil War (North vs. South, ) American Civil War US participation to World Wars ( )
Cosimo Cannata5 American settlers Go to document
Cosimo Cannata6 America as an English-speaking country North America was colonized by the mid by the English under Queen Elizabeth I The first settlers had a strong calvinist mentality and funded a sort of teocratic regime intended to stress prayer, hard work and self-realization. As a colony, all past cultural experiences (Native Americans, Spanish) were absorbed or ignored by the English
Cosimo Cannata7 American Civil War and abolition of slavery abolition of slavery Was segregation really abolished? Why were slaves used in America?
Cosimo Cannata8
9 A nation in constant expansion
Cosimo Cannata10 A nation that evolves in the distance. Do you remember this music…?music And the film Dance with Wolves…?
Cosimo Cannata11 Expansion is at a cost… The progressive expansion of white settlers (= coloni) implied the steady decrease of the number of Native Americans
Cosimo Cannata12 Not real now, just folk for tourists’ shots (= photos)
Cosimo Cannata13 The United States of America Some key concepts… Ex pluribus unum, the official motto The U.S.A., a concentration of white immigrants, former black slaves, etc. Immigrants in search of fortune, land, adventure
Cosimo Cannata14 Keyfacts about Walt Whitman Born in 1819, Long Island, State of New York Started to work as a printer and journalist Travelled around America Knew a great variety of people living and working Started to write poetry, Leaves of Grass Died in 1892
Cosimo Cannata15 Notable aspects of Whitman W’s poetry pervaded by: W’s poetry 1) Optimism 2) Romantic faith in the dynamic future of USA 3) Celebration of America 4) Physical love, direct and frank > Unity of body and soul The poet asserts and celebrates, does not evoke
Cosimo Cannata16 Stylistic features of W’s poetry Leaves of Grass, Written in free verse Long lines Rhythm naturally determined by thought or emotion expressed Mix of dialect and common speech Avoidance of metaphors, similes, etc.