Commercial High Resolution Sensors SatelliteResolutionSwath Width Pricing (%$USD)Applications Quickbird-20.61m Pan 2.44m MS 16.5 kmNew:$22/km 2 (min 64km 2 ) Archive: 18/km 2 (min 25km 2 ) ID individual tree crowns, species, biomass, condition, and age class Map creation, change detection, and image analysis Suitable for thematic large-scale mapping Excellent input for mapping inventorying, monitoring and surveying forest resources and evaluating the health of surviving trees Soil-type and soil series mapping Other applications as listed in high resolution sensors below ORBView-31m Pan 4m MS 8 km$15 - $25/km 2 384km 2 min custom min area: 8km 2 Inventory updates; enhance differences in forest cover type/vigor ID tree crowns, species, other vegetation and health Land-use Planning Terrain modeling (DEM) and stability mapping hazards Road infrastructure/maintenance Watershed assessment and restoration Windthrow Soil-type mapping IKONOS-21m Pan 4m MS 11.3 kmArchive from $7/km 2 min 49 km 2 New from $15/ km 2 min 100km 2 Inventory updates; enhance differences in forest cover type/vigor Land-use Planning ID tree crowns, species, other vegetation and health Terrain modeling (DEM) and stability mapping hazards Road infrastructure/maintenance Watershed assessment and restoration Windthrow Soil-type mapping
Commercial High Resolution Sensors SatelliteResolutionSwath Width Pricing ($USD)Applications EROS A1.9m Pan14kmArchive: $5/km 2 min 25km 2 New: $12/km 2 min 100km 2 Inventory updates; enhance differences in forest cover type/vigor ID tree crowns, species, other vegetation and health Land-use Planning Terrain modeling (DEM) and stability mapping hazards; Windthrow Road infrastructure/maintenance Watershed assessment and restoration Soil-type mapping SPOT 52.5 m Pan 5m Pan 10m MS 20m SWIR 60 kmNew: 2.5m pan scene $2550 (min 12.5km 2 ) or $6.90/km 2 (min 750km 2 ) Archive: 2.5m pan scene $6.90/km 2 (min 750km 2 ) Inventory updates; enhance differences in forest cover type/vigor ID tree crowns, species, other vegetation and health Land-use Planning Terrain modeling (DEM) and stability mapping hazards; Windthrow Road infrastructure/maintenance Watershed assessment and restoration Soil-type mapping IRS-1C & 1D IRS-1C & 1D and IRS-P6 ResourceSat-1IRS-P6 ResourceSat-1 5m Pan 20m MS 180m WiFS 70 km Pan 142 km MS 774 km WiFS 5m Pan: from $900 (23 km 2 ) to $2500 (70 km 2 ) 20m LISS: from $1900 (70 km 2 ) to $2500 (140 km 2 ) Vegetation discrimination Land-cover mapping and natural resource planning WiFS – vegetation index mapping and monitoring vegetation health at regional level Infrastructure mapping Stereo capabilities enable orthomapping for accurate terrain presentation
Multi-Spectral Sensors SatelliteResolutionSwath Width Pricing ($USD)Applications Landsat 7 Landsat 5 15m Pan (LS7) 30m MS 60m TIR 185 kmFrom $300 / scene (184 X 172km) Huge collection of free Landsat 7 data online Vegetation discrimination Land-cover mapping and natural resource planning Vegetation index mapping and monitoring vegetation health at regional level Infrastructure mapping EO-130m42 km$250 / sceneVegetation discrimination Land-cover mapping and natural resource planning Vegetation index mapping and monitoring vegetation health at regional level Infrastructure mapping
RADAR and LiDAR SatelliteResolutionSwath Width Pricing ($USD)Applications RADAR SAT-1 10m 25m 50m 100 m km New From $2,750 (100km 2 ) Archives (before 1999 ) $1500/scene any mode Reconnaissance mapping, including: - Terrain analysis - Forest cover type discrimination - Delineation of burned areas - Mapping of cleared areas - Inventory management - Logging activity - Damage Assessment ERS-230m100km$480 / scene (100 X 100km) %20 – 40% discount on volume scene orders ID the drainage systems for rivers/stream classes Distinguish forest formations of the alluvial zones Map topographic and geomorphologic units LiDAR30m300mApproximately $250/Km 2 Model canopy height profiles Calculate basal areas Provide vertical distribution of intercepted surfaces to allow for classifying vegetation and forest succession Model aboveground biomass from height DEM creation
Aerial Photography SatelliteResolutionPricing ($USD)Applications BC Government (TRIM) Orthophotos m$200 / MapsheetLand use classification Detailed terrain analysis Assist in vegetation/crop management and soil analysis Determine flood damage Determine temporal changes using old and new photography Reference data for satellite imagery calibration Small-scale historic TRIM 1:70, mHistoric collections (non-digital?)Historic watershed-level work Larger-scale Projects (eg. 1:30,000 MPB for Southern Interior) 0.25m?Free to MoFLandscape and cut-block-level detail Soil disturbance Possible Course Woody Debris Green-tree retention Mountain Pine Beetle Operational 1:15,000 – 1:20,000 <0.25mFree to MoFCut-block and landscape-level detail Soil disturbance Possible Course Woody Debris Green-tree retention Mountain Pine Beetle Low-level Custom0.1mCustom: perhaps as low as $200 / cut-block Cut-block – level detail Soil disturbance Course Woody Debris Green-tree retention Mountain Pine Beetle