From choice, a world of possibilities REGIONAL COUNCIL Sarajevo 27 June 2014 CONFERENCE DAY ON SEXUAL ABUSE OF AND BETWEEN CHILDREN IPPF policy
What is child abuse? ‘Child abuse’ or ‘maltreatment’ constitutes ‘all forms of physical and/or emotional ill treatment, sexual abuse, neglect or negligent treatment or commercial or other exploitation, resulting in actual or potential harm to the child’s health, survival, development or dignity in the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust or power.’ [ The World Health Organisation definition of Child Abuse as defined by the Report of the Consultation on Child Abuse Prevention WHO – 1999]
Thinking the unthinkable IPPF EN REGIONAL COUNCIL 2014, Sarajevo – Conference Day on sexual abuse of and between children
Thinking the unthinkable What if you get an anonymous letter that one of your staff members has sexually abused a young volunteer? What if you find out that one of your board members watches child pornography at home? IPPF EN REGIONAL COUNCIL 2014, Sarajevo – Conference Day on sexual abuse of and between children
The policy 2005: IPPF Policy 4.17: Creating a safe environment for children and young people. Put into action IPPF’s rights-based approach to youth programming Protects and empowers children, young people and MA Contributes to a Member Association’s positive profile as an ethical organisation with integrity and credibility 2012: Need for review and adaptation to donor requirements, building on MA experience since 2005 Protection workshop EN 2014
HOW IS IT DIFFERENT FROM OTHER PROTECTIVE POLICIES? IT GOES FURTHER Proactive process to safeguard young people’s and vulnerable adults’ integrity, well-being and safety. Promotion of a positive attitude Ownership IPPF EN REGIONAL COUNCIL 2014, Sarajevo – Conference Day on sexual abuse of and between children