Status: February / 25 Contact: NCO Poland National Centre for Workplace Health Promotion Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine European Network for Workplace Health Promotion - Goals, Structure and Activities -
Status: February / 25 Vision and Mission of the ENWHP healthy employees in healthy organisations To achieve this vision the Network is committed to developing and promoting good practice in workplace health, which in turn will contribute to a high level of health protection and sustainable social and economic development in Europe
Status: February / 25 èWHP: Promoting Health at Work Workplace Health Promotion (WHP) Outlook: Future Activities of the ENWHP èHealth Trends in the World of Work èBenefits of WHP èOrigins, Members and Structure European Network for Workplace Health promotion (ENWHP) èTasks and Goals èJoint Initiatives Structure
Status: February / 25 What is WHP ? - Common Understanding Luxembourg Declaration, 1997 WHP is a new approach to improving health at work based on concerted action of employers, employees and society to improve the health and well-being of people at work
Status: February / 25 What is WHP ? - Features Not only statutory requirements - also voluntary measures Improving work organisation, environment and lifestyle Based on a thorough analysis Active participation of employees Integrated into existing structures and procedures Evaluation: results must be measurable WHP Contributes to: - a high level of health protection - sustainable economic and social development in Europe
Status: February / 25 What is WHP ? - Two Strains Behaviour-oriented Health Promotion Condition-oriented Health Promotion Philosophy: Examples: Appealing to the individual to adopt healthy behaviour Designing working condtions to encourage healthy behaviour Smoking: No cigarette machines Nutrition: Canteen diet Workplace: Workplace design Smoking: flyers, courses Nutrition: Courses Workplace: “Be careful”
Status: February / 25 What is WHP ? - European Approach Social & Economic Development at Local, Regional, National and European LevelsLeadershipValuesParticipation Drivers Quality of Work Health & Well-beingEnterpriseSuccess Results social responsibility responsibility lifestyle, working conditions, work organisation safety, environment, health Fields of Action building commitment & infrastructure & infrastructure needs & risk assessment planningimplementationreview Processes
Status: February / 25 Why Promote WHP in Europe ? Source: Bilbao Agency, 2000 Estimates from Member States of all work-related ill health range from 2.6% to 3.8%of GNP Between 40%- 50% account for muscular-skeletal disorders 600 million working days are lost due to work- related ill health each year in Europe Costs to business: Lost production, staff sickness, compen- sation and insurance costs, losing experienced staff and recruiting and training costs Costs of work related diseases
Status: February / 25 Health Trends in Europe Working World (I) Work-Related Disorders Source: European Foundation, 2001
Status: February / 25 Health Trends in Europe Working World (II) Psycho-Social Working Conditions Source: European Foundation, 2001
Status: February / 25 Health Trends in Europe Working World (III) Posture and Physical Exposures Source: European Foundation, 2001
Status: February / 25 Why Promote Health at the Workplace ? At the workplace people spend a large part of their “waking” life Is not only beneficial to the employees, but also for companies through higher productivity and increases in innovation Major upheavals in the world of work (e.g. downsizing, time pressure) have detrimental effects on the employees’ health At the workplace knowledge can be provided for health related behaviour in and outside the working world Employment provides opportunities for gaining qualifications and is of crucial importance for a persons’s self-esteem and identy
Status: February / 25 What are the Benefits of WHP ? WHP results in a reduction in illness-related absenteeism, fewer working days lost and therefore in a long-term decline in the sickness rate increases motivation among the staff and improves the working atmosphere results in an increase in the quality of products and services, more innovation and creativity and a rise in productivity in the company is a prestige factor which helps to improve the public image of a company and to make it more attractive as an employer relieves the statutory social security systems (health, pension and accident insurance funds)
Status: February / 25 A Network for Workplace Health Promotion in Europe - the ENWHP
Status: February / A Network for WHP in Europe: The ENWHP Founded 23 members from the EU member states, the accession countries and the states of the European Economic Area Members Supporting authorities European Commission DG "Health and Consumer Protection" (formerly DG V F3) Framework programme : Health Promotion Programme (64/96/EC) : Public Health Programme (1786/2002/EC)
Status: February / 25 The ENWHP - Members 23 Members from national institutions in occupational safety and health public health health promotion statutory social insurance funds
Status: February / 25 Partners Members European Networks Associate Partners Chairman Secretariat Business Meetings Advisory Committee National Networks European Commission European Foundation WHO Europe Bilbao Agency ILO Members, incl. 23 National Contact Offices and 2 operational units 2 Associate Members..... The ENWHP - Structure
Status: February / 25 The ENWHP - Task and Goals to bring WHP to the attention of decision-makers to identify and disseminate models of good practice to develop guidelines for effective WHP to provide successful methods and tools to encourage the member states to take appropriate political action to support small and medium-sized enterprises in matters of health to establish supportive infrastructures at national level involving all relevant stakeholders Current principal priority:
Status: February / 25 WHP in larger enterprises WHP in SMEs WHP in public administrations Methods The Case for WHP Infrastructure Economic, Health & Social Impacts Toolbox The ENWHP - Joint Initiatives National Forums / Networks Capacity Building & Advocacy Topics
Status: February / : Quality Criteria and success factors of WHP 1 The ENWHP - Joint Initiatives Report on the current status of WHP in SMEs 66 Models of Good Practice Quality Criteria for WHP in larger enterprises 1 st European Conference 1999 in Germany - Bonn
Status: February / : WHP in small and medium-sized enterprises 2 The ENWHP - Joint Initiatives WHP: Common understanding (Luxembourg Declaration) 48 Models of Good Practice for WHP in SMEs Quality Criteria for WHP in SMEs 2 nd European Conference 2001 in Portugal - Lisbon
Status: February / : WHP in the public administration sector 3 The ENWHP - Joint Initiatives Report on the current status of WHP in public administrations 34 Models of Good Practice for WHP in public administrations 3 rd European Conference 2002 in Spain - Barcelona
Status: February / : Building WHP infrastructures in Europe 4 The ENWHP - Current and Future Activities ENWHP National Forum National Forum National Forum National Forum National Forum National Forum Establishing national NetworksDeveloping the Business CaseProviding Methods and Tools6 / 2004: 4 th Conference, Dublin
Status: February / 25 5 Source: Own calculation to Labour Force Surveys, eurostat % older than 44 years The ENWHP - Planned Future Activities End of 2003: Ageing Workforce Analysing current situationEstablishing corporate networksDocumenting Good PracticeProviding tools and arguments
Status: February / 25 Internet : National contact: National Centre for Workplace Health Promotion NIOM / Poland National contact: Secretariat: BKK Bundesverband Essen / Germany Contact information