Steve Petch Sunday 24 th May 2015 What Would Jesus Say? Part 6: Jesus on Possessions
What is your most treasured possession?
Matthew 19v16-26: The Rich Young Man Luke 19 v 1-10: Jesus and Zacchaeus Our attitude towards our possessions reveals a lot about the state of our soul before God
We can be obsessed by our possessions
The person who dies with the most toys wins Look after number one A culture of entitlement The poverty mentality (Greed) (Selfishness) (Envy) (Pride)
Greed … Pride … Envy … Selfishness Luke 12v13-15 Luke 13v16-21 Luke 12v33-34 Luke 6v35-36 Matthew 6v4 Luke 6v38 Matthew 14v13-21 Matthew 15v32-39 John 12v1-10 Luke 8v14
Jesus calls us towards … Generosity Thankfulness Stewardship
What is your most treasured possession?
What is God’s most treasured possession? We are his most treasured possession!
Steve Petch Sunday 24 th May 2015 What Would Jesus Say? Part 6: Jesus on Possessions