Regional & Urban Policy Large cities have better access to public transport
Regional & Urban Policy Dublin's public transport A lot of trips per inhabitant, But generally slow Mostly bus (93% at 16km/h) with very little tram (5% at 20 km/h) or train (3% at 37 km/h)
Regional & Urban Policy Dublin high frequency per inhabitant Stockholm has more trips and higher speeds (20.4 vs 17km/h) Brussels and Amsterdam have fewer trips, but higher speed (18 and 23 km/h)
Regional & Urban Policy Chapter 3
Regional & Urban Policy Chapter 3
Regional & Urban Policy Non-ETS GHG emissions are shrinking
Regional & Urban Policy Low-carbon economy Minimum ERDF support between 12% and 20% 37 billion euro foreseen in Partnership Agreements
Regional & Urban Policy Local and regional authorities spend 1/3 of government expenditure
Regional & Urban Policy But their expenditure dropped
Regional & Urban Policy Local and regional authorities spend over half of public investments
Regional & Urban Policy But investment dropped even faster
Regional & Urban Policy Cohesion Policy's growing share of total public investment
Regional & Urban Policy Especially in EU-12
Regional & Urban Policy Half the revenue of local and regional authorities are transfers
Regional & Urban Policy Governance Poor governance slows down Cohesion Policy implementation, reduces its impact and hinders economic growth and entrepreneurship Chapter 5
Regional & Urban Policy
Chapter 5
Regional & Urban Policy Simplifications of categories 5 Categories
Regional & Urban Policy Simplifications of categories 7 categories including the first transition category
Regional & Urban Policy Simplifications of categories 4 categories: Objective 1 Phasing-out Objective 2 Objective 3 (ESF)
Regional & Urban Policy Simplifications of categories 3 categories Full coverage
Regional & Urban Policy A stronger focus on key priorities
Regional & Urban Policy COHESION POLICY
Regional & Urban Policy Cohesion Policy in the EU economic policy mix Country-specific recommendations are the reference for Partnership Agreements and programmes
Regional & Urban Policy Cohesion Policy Focus on growth- enhancing investments Concentration on Europe 2020 priorities Improving governance Linked to the European Semester Linked to structural reform through ex-ante conditionalities
Regional & Urban Policy Europe 2020 Less developed regions furthest removed from both EU and national 2020 targets Chapter 6
Regional & Urban Policy
Ex-ante conditionality is challenging
Regional & Urban Policy Ireland and Cohesion Policy Graduated to a more developed status Promoted as an example by the World Bank Did not overinvest in hard infrastructure, invested in education and attracted FDI The crisis hit Ireland hard and caught everyone off guard. Still Ireland has a GDP per head (PPS) 26% above the EU average (and above UK and Germany) Housing bubbles were common in many of the worst hit countries Spain, Baltics…