John A.G. Briggs Retrovirus structure and assembly
The structural genomics of HIV
Immature virion
Immature HIV
Gag cleavage – can be inhibited p2p1 p17p24p7
MMTV HIV 2 pathways of Retrovirus formation. Immature virion
Internal scaffold domain Cytoplasmic retention motif
MMTV HIV Envelopment? Immature virion
Finch/Sundquist lab
Core formed from ~1200 capsid proteins Arranged in ~96 Å hexagonal lattice
maturation What is the structure of the lattice here?
In-vitro assembledImmature HIV-1
If it is made from 80A hexagons, with six proteins per hexagon then 3400 ± 200 gag proteins
Mean mass: 165 ± 29 MDa 3800 ± 700 gag proteins Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
145nm immature virion formed from ~5000 Gag proteins Arranged in ~80 Å hexagonal lattice
Immature virion Tighter hexagonal lattice with 8 nm unit cell. ~5000 gag proteins form a complete shell for a 145 nm virus Mature virion Looser hexagonal lattice with 9.6 nm unit cell. ~1200 CA proteins form the conical core, leaving a large number elsewhere
Virology University of Heidelberg University of Oxford Cornell University Hans-Georg Kraüsslich Barbara Müller Marko Lampe Bärbel Glass Marc Johnson Volker Vogt Quentin Sattentau Electron Microscopy University of Oxford Max-Planck Institute for Biochemistry Stephen Fuller Kay Grünewald Friedrich Förster Thomas Wilk Giulia Zanetti