9/25/15 Do Now: -Take out your completed annotations and questions for Sinners at the Hands of an Angry God -Put desks in groups of three Homework: -Crucible anticipation guide Content Objective: Content Objective: Students will develop their understanding of non-fiction annotation strategies and their understanding of Sinners at the Hands of an Angry God. Language Objective: Language Objective: Students will practice annotations strategies with collaborative annotations with the Sinners at the Hands of an Angry God text.
What is it? This is a technique that is used after students have already completed their own individual annotations on a poem or prose passage; it is a great strategy to stimulate a small or large group discussion that engages and honors different perspectives on the same text. In groups of 3, students pass their annotated copy to the person on the right. Each individual focuses on, and makes additions to, the original reader’s commentary; the next time the papers pass, each individual adds his/her commentary to both of the previous readers’ commentary and this process continues until the original reader has his/her paper back. Thus, each student has had two people build and expand on his/her ideas; this is a powerful way to encourage engagement and group participation. (Note: It is important that students understand that they are to expand on the original reader’s ideas and/or questions, not simply add what ideas they had on their papers.) Collective Annotations:
What does it look like and sound like?:
1)No talking!!! Speak with your pen!!! 2)Everyone in the group uses a different colored pencil 3)Answer questions that the person raised 4)Ask questions based on the annotations 5)Connect ideas that you see in the annotations 6)Be respectful and mature It is important that students understand that they are to expand on the original reader’s ideas and/or questions, not simply add what ideas they had on their papers. Collective Annotations Guidelines:
1)What is the central idea of this piece? 2)What is the tone of the piece? 3)How does diction support the tone? 4)What rhetorical appeal does Edwards primarily use? 5)What is the author’s purpose? Is his argument effective? 6)What does this tell us about Puritan society? Share out: